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Non-specific resistance, hematopoiesis and protein-building liver function in Simmental bulls-reproducer
The use of bulls-sires with high breeding value is the main component increase the genetic potential productivity of meat and dairy cattle in the modern system of large-scale breeding. The main product received from bulls-sires is sperm, so a quality of it, which is one of the important indicators to assess it, you must take into account the health status of animals. The efficiency of breeding use reproducer largely depends on the functional state of different systems, which are can affect the quantity and quality production of sperm. Impaired function of some organs and systems in the bulls-reproducer in different physiological periods of maturity lead to their rejection, which in many cases are valuable breeding animals that haven’t opportunities to realize their potential. Important conditions that lead to decrease of indexes of bulls’ sperm production, and further – to their rejection are the adverse conditions, feeding, care and service life of the manifestations of disorders of the functional state of some body systems, including hematopoiesis and nonspecific resistance.
Depending of age, operation and use of bulls-reproducer were divided their into three age groups. The first carried the bulls that are evaluated the quality semen. Age of animals ranged from 1 to 2 years on average – 1,98±0,08. The second group included animals that had been selection on the quality of sperm and secured by a herd of cows. The age of these animals was within 3 to 5 years and an average of 3,64±0,19. In the third group were bulls aged 6–10 years (8,0±1,15). Body weight of animals of the first age group ranged between 375–560 kg (458,3±15,98 kg), the second – 450–1050 kg (792,5±62,9 kg), third – 1110–1250 kg (1189,5±64.5 kg).
The total number of the red cells in bulls-reproducer in the second and third groups was at the upper physiological limits for cattle (7,2±0,35 and 7,6±0,57 T/l), the first had a tendency to increase (8,0±0,32 T/l, p<0.5). The total number of leukocytes in bulls of the first and second groups were below that minimal index for cattle (5,9±0,29 and 5,7±0,28 G/l). With age, leukocytes’ count increased to 7,1±0,40 G/l, which corresponds to the standard index for cattle. The level of hemoglobin in bulls of the first group was 118,2±3,84 g/l, with age index increased (136,6±3,39 and 148,3±2,02 g/l). In bull-reproducer of the first group noted the broad limits of the color index: 0,8–1,44 (1,14±0,06), the second – 0,6–1,4 (1,0±0,07), the third – 0,98–1,22 (1,07±0,08). The average content of hemoglobin in the one erythrocyte of the first group was in the range 12,6–20,7 pg (15,4±0,62), of the second and third groups were tendency to increase and amounted to 19,0±1,26 and 19,7±1,36 pg.
In the first group of bulls the level of total protein was (80,3±1,73 g/l), with age, the amount of protein in bull-reproducer increases – the average in the second group was at the higher limit of normal for cattle – 86,7±1,21 g/l. Seven research bulls-reproducer of this group established hyperproteinemia (more than 86 g/l). In the third group (over 6 years) the level protein probable more than in the first and second groups (96,9±5,60 g/l) and in 100 % were higher 86,0 g/l. The total number of antibodies tended to increase with age: in the first (20,9±1,49 mg/ml) and 25 % of the animals noted immunoglobulin deficiency state. In the second the content of Ig was 21,5±1,28 mg/ml, the third – 25,7±2,15 mg/ml.
The relative amount of albumin in the bulls-reproducer of the first and second groups respectively was 38,1±2,83 and 38,0±2,49 %, in the third – more less the normal index – 27,2±1,99 %. The less albumin level characterized the liver pathology, since all of albumins synthesis in hepatocytes. The content of alpha-globubulines in all animals was upon level, and according was 8,4±1,41; 8,8±1,31 and 9,5±0,26%. On the contrary, the proportion of beta-globulin in the bulls was high: the average number of the first, second and third age group was 20,7±3,01, 20,2±2,27 and 30,0±1,00 %. The content of gamma-globulines in groups corresponds standard rates for cattle: in the first group – 32,7±3,06; second – 32,9±2,86, third – 32,7±2,95 %.
The absolute amount of albumin in the blood serum of bulls-reproducer had been decrease in the third group (26,0±1,21 g/l). The absolute amount of beta-globulin tended to increase in the third age group of bulls to average 28,7±0,08 g/l , which is significantly higher than in the first (16,2±2,19 g/l) and the second – 17,4±2,04 g/l (p<0,001). The level of gamma-globulines in the bulls-reproducer of all age groups was higher and amounted respectively: in the first – 26,3±2,84, the second – 28,4±2,48, third – 31,5±3,97 g/l.
So analyzing the results of the research should be noted that the average number of red blood cells and leukocytes was on the higher standard value for cattle in the all age groups of bulls-reproducer. In bulls third age group (6–10 years old) was founded hyper- and disproteinemia due to reduction of albumin level, which is index of liver pathology. Summarizing the results of our researches consider promising performance analysis during clinical examination to extend the learning process and effective monitoring of performance hemocytopoesis and nonspecific resistance of the organism of bulls-reproducer of different age groups.
Key words: bull-reproducer, production of sperm, hemocytopoesis, total protein, total number of immunoglobulines, protein fractions.
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