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Application of the constellation method of cows diagnosis health status
Dispensary examination of cows, physiological condition which 10–20 days after calving, using group methods, combined finder metabolic disorders and subclinical forms diseases (general search constellation), it was establish that adopted in the farm feeding of cows, designed for an annual output of 4000 kg of milk animals with a body weight of 400 kg, according to their level of performance. The ration of the animals was not enough for digestible protein, crude fiber, sugar and starch, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese and cobalt. Sugar/protein ratio in ration is 0,5, and the ratio of calcium/phosphorus 1,75. This is insufficient and unbalanced by a several important elements of nutrition and biologically active substances of feeding cows cause them disturbance of digestion in rumen and metabolism.
Clinical examination of cows were established: the general condition of all cows satisfactory, average fatness, thyroid gland was not enlarged, are available for research lymph nodes were not enlarged, mobile, painless, mucous membranes was pale pink, moist and shiny. However, in individual animals were noted diseases that ran subclinical. Thus, the deafness heart tones, sometimes splitting the first tone noted in 13,6 % of cows that are characteristic myocardiodystrophy, weak force reductions rumen – 20 %, which is feature rumen hypotony, increased liver percussion boundaries as is the case with hepatodystrophy – 6 %, softening of the last 2 caudal vertebrae – 20 % , indicating that disturbances of mineral metabolism characteristic osteodystrophy. In 13 % of cows were to determine positive for ketone bodies in the urine.
Biochemical research of serum was to determine low content of total protein in 26,6 % of samples, albumin in 20 % of samples. This usually occurs in violation of protein synthesis in tissues, primarily the liver, and is the hallmark of hepatodystrophy. Violations of the functional state of the liver evidenced by increased activity of AST in 26,6 % of samples. Increased cholesterol content was found in 13.3 % of serum samples, which may be consequently amplification of lipogenesis and gluconeogenesis, as is the case with ketosis, and in violation of the processes of formation of bile acids and bile (cholestasis). Below the reference value content of total calcium and inorganic phosphorus was set at 26,6 % and 13,3% of serum samples, respectively. Hypocalcemia is usually diagnosed during prolonged deficiency of calcium in the ration, contravention its assimilation due to a deficiency of vitamin D and at osteodystrophy. In 20% of serum samples was found increased activity of alkaline phosphatase, which is often recorded in the pathology of bone and liver. In blood serum creatinine increases with worsening renal function. This increase in creatinine was found in 20 % of samples of blood serum.
The obtained results of biochemical research confirm the clinical diagnosis, expand understanding about health status of cows, reveal a violation of breach in their protein, lipid and mineral metabolism disorders, abnormal liver function, kidney, heart, bone, having simultaneous flow and common etiology. According to the research were set connected by the following diseases: hepato- and myocardiodystrophy, ketosis, osteodystrophy.
As revealed comorbidity is common etiology (disturbance of feeding cows) were appointed means of adjuvant therapy and prevention. To optimize the ratio of sugar/digestible protein and sugar + starch/digestible protein increased feeding fodder beet molasses and under 10 kg and 1.0 kg. Patients with ketosis and hepatodystrophy cows were appointed propylene glycol in 400 ml of the head per os and a 20% glucose solution with ascorbic acid intravenously during seven days. In addition, cows with osteodystrophy, during 14 days daily in a mixture of concentrated feed in recommended doses ascorbate copper, manganese, cobalt. Intra muscular injected vitamins A, D3, E (solution for injections) in 10 ml.
Key words: diagnostic, internal diseases, metabolism.
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