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The content of interleukin-1 and interleukin-4 in the blood of cows under different sexual cycles and the state of sexual function
In order to determine the dynamics of interleukin -1 and interleukin- 4 in the serum of cows at different stages of the sexual cycle, the animals aged 3-10 years were divided into groups. The 1st group (n=11) consisted of cows, which were recorded in the estrus (a manifestation of reflex estate) to group 2 (n=20), animals for 7–8 days of sexual cycle (flowering yellow body), and the 3rd group (n=19), cows at 17–18 days of the sexual cycle (estrus predictable). In addition, we have formed two groups of healthy cows that recover from endometritis (n = 17) and litter delay (n=14) and were able anafrodyziya.
In the serum of animals of experimental groups were determined concentrations of interleukin-1 (IL-1) and interleukin-4 (IL-4) by solid phase ELISA analysis using ELISA test kits Peninsula laboratories Inc (USA). The resulting digital material processed by methods of variation statistics using parametric Student t-test.
Content of Interleukin -1 in serum of cows during estruation was significantly higher at 52,8% (p<0,01) compared with 7–8 era sexual cycle (flowering yellow body) and 49,1% (p<0,01) in animals with respect to the sexual cycle of 17–18 days (estimated proestrus). There was no significant difference in the animals with predictable proestrusom compared with the rate of 7–8 day sexual cycle.
Content of Interleukin -1 in animals that recover from endometritis and detention litter was significantly lower by nearly 49,1% (p<0,01) and 46% (p<0,01), respectively , than that of cows in the estruation.
The upward trend in the level of interleukin -1 in the serum of animals that recover from endometritis and detention litter, compared with the rate of cows during the heyday of the corpus luteum by 3,5% and 12,7%, respectively, in our opinion explains the process of disorganization of connective tissue matrix endometrium.
The content of interleukin-4 in the serum of cows during estruation only showed a tendency to increase relative to the 7–8th day of the sexual cycle by 25,8%, but was significantly higher by 59% (p<0,01) relative index animals of 17–18 day sexual cycle (proestrus predictable). Significant difference was recorded also in animals with predictable proestrusom compared with the rate of 7–8 day sexual cycle (reduction of interleukin-4 to 44,8%).
The level of interleukin-4 in animals recover from endometritis and detention litter was lower at 58,0% and 54,75%, relative to the same index cows in the state of estrus.
It was established that the ratio between interleukin -1 and interleukin -4 during hunting cows is 0,05 , while for 17 to 18 days the sexual cycle (proestrus predictable) – 0,08 , and during the heyday of the corpus luteum - 0,04, respectively.
Value of interleukin-1 and interleukin-4 in the serum of animals that recover from endometritis and detention of the litter, was 0,04 for both groups of cows was 2 times higher than that of the 7–8th day of the sexual cycle of animals which had a history of gynecological pathology, which is obviously associated with a significant decrease in the metabolic and secretory activity of the endometrium in postmorbidnomu period and therefore lack regeneratively-reduction reactions of the endometrium.
Thus, the prospect for further research is the need to clarify the role of interleukin-4, interleukin-1 for infertility of cows and elaboration of the basis of gender-based methods for correcting cycling cows.
Key words: cows, excitation stage, estrus, proestrus, interleukin-1 end interleukin-4.
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