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Comparative evaluation of the immunostimulatory therapy used for osteosarcoma in dogs
In the report are briefly described comparative methods of anticancer therapy with immunostimulatory agents in the treatment of dogs suffering from osteosarkomas long bones with a view to extending the lifetime of sick animals. All sick dogs were divided into three treatment groups. In the first group of animals as a treatment was carried out by two courses of adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemotherapy and amputation of limbs. The second group received 6 courses of chemotherapy combined with immunostimulation and third experimental group of animals was carried out by two courses of chemotherapy, the amputation of limbs and immunostimulation. To make immunostimulation used Cykloferon or Intron A. Immunocorrective drugs were administered intramuscularly and subcutaneously − for 21 days. Monitoring the effectiveness of immunostimulating therapy was performed on 7–10 th day after immunostimulation by the criterion of increasing the number of large granular lymphocytes (LGL) and the number of granules in them. Content LGL in peripheral blood from 5–10 % and above all the number of lymphocytes, and there are at least 5-7 pellets each, showed the highest AC activity and effectiveness of the treatment. The animals of all groups were performed by the clinical and morphologic examination of blood. All animal studies were performed during the initial and readmission, and in the second and third experimental groups after the additional application of immunostimulants .In determining the general condition of the animals during the test after the application of immunostimulants temperature, pulse and respiration were within normal limits. In the analysis of morphological parameters of blood of dogs II and III research groups deserves special attention LGL index number, which in the experimental group II compared with the initial examination, increased 13,2 times, and III − to 16,4 fold, and the number of granules in their cytoplasm ranged from 4 to 15. However, it should be noted that in 9 animals after tsikloferon application found no significant increase in the number and amount of HSV granules in them. These animals were assigned to different immune correcting preparation − Intron A. This specific response from the system canser vessstance of animals gives substitute argued that selection immunostimulating agents should be carried out in each case individually and tally the number of LGL and granules in their cytoplasm allows you to monitor the effectiveness of appointed agents. During the re-admission on clinical examination of their general condition was satisfactory. In hematologic studies significantly increased the proportion of monocytes in animals II and III research groups who underwent immunostimulation compared to the experimental group I, indicating a positive effect immunostimulation in the complex of therapeutic measures. Of particular note is the number of LGL figure that no additional immunostimulation was 0,4±0,2%. In animals undergoing immunostimulation, the figure was 8,1±0,5 and 9,3±0,9%. Comparison of percentage changes in the number of LGL during the second survey with those after immunostimulation can talk about positive trend. After completing the treatment in dogs a while watching the development of metastases as a result of tumor progression. In this regard, some dogs were entonized. Analysis of data on the lifetime of the animals suggests that the life expectancy of dogs and therapeutic group averaged 158,1±4,0 days, the second group of dogs − 248±5,5 days, and the third group of dogs − 376±5,2 days.
Key words: osteosarcoma, large granular lymphocyte (LGL), granules, immunostimulation.
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