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The role of metabolic osteopahty in pathological fractures in reptiles
Among the reptiles that are kept out of wild nature, disturbances of mineral metabolism typically occur more frequently than in mammals, where they can be observed in animals of any age). In violation of mineral metabolism accounts for most of the metabolic diseases of reptiles (in a mild form found in 70 % of aquatic turtles, 90 % and 32 % – iguanas ). To designate the primary pathology of mineral metabolism in reptiles foreign literature usually use the term MBD – metabolic bone disease («Metabolic Bone Desease»). The etiology of diseases in this group is about the same (initial breach of nutritional supply and distribution of calcium and phosphorus in the body), and the pathogenesis and clinical course may differ. However, in all cases, it causes chronic irritation of the parathyroid glands with hyper parathyroid hormone (PTH). Therefore, in modern literature instead MBD commonly used english abbreviation NSHP (Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism). This group of diseases includes independent nosology as rachitis, osteomalacia and osteoporosis. Degenerative processes in the bones at the primary Osteopathy can be characterized as "fibrousis osteodystrophy" and "ectopic mineralization". They may also be accompanied by other diseases, such as nephritis . However, if these changes are systemic, they sometimes give the status of nosology and speak of fibrousis osteodystrophy and metastatic mineralization as a separate disease. It also features the skeletal system reptiles include pnevmatyzatsiyu long bones of the extremities, which have a wide medullary canal and resemble the bones of birds, non-vascular structure of compact bone periosteal origin and limited distribution of trabeculae in diaphyseal areas of long bones [2 ]. In a shortened limbs lizards (scinks) curved bone and medullary canal developed in the distal half of the tubular bones [3]. Non-vascular type of cortical bone in lizards neither stimulates reparative processes [4]. However, pathological fractures, mainly in the osteopenia of various etiologies, reparative regeneration, however, is faster, unlike mammals [5]. Also, there are secondary bony fusion or even pathological regeneration of preferred formation of fibrous, less cartilage or excessive production of osteoid, mineralization, which even with timely treatment occurs within 6–8 weeks [6]. Thus, disturbances of mineral metabolism that contribute to the occurrence of pathological fractures are a common problem in the class of reptiles and need further investigation to identify the primary etiological factor and purpose of timely and adequate therapy. In reptiles, patients with metabolic osteopathy, clinical fractures were diagnosed without a history of trauma, which is also accompanied by paresis of the extremities, dysphagia, tremor of the fingers, which corresponds to the third stage of the severity of NSHP by D.B. Vasiliev [6]. As a result of densitometric study found that animals with fractures of different bone density of the jaws – animals with fractures is statistically significantly lower (p<0,01). So, if we consider the fracture as a secondary manifestation of possible metabolic disorders leading to increased bone fragility, we determine the density of the upper jaw it is a valuable predictor of pathological conditions. As can be seen in the table, the groups studied reptiles, despite the specific features of the metabolism of connective tissue, observed the same clinical and biochemical trends of the pathological process. Namely, found that patients iguanas (Iguana iguana) was a significant increase of 2.9 times the HST concentration in serum (p<0.001), with 5.8 times the rate increased Agam (Pogona vittiseps) (p<0.001 ) and 3.1 times – in bluetongued scinks (Tiliqua scincoides). There was an increase in all fractions of GAG. At the same time, the content of GP in patients with specimens probably did not change, indicating the absence of inflammatory reactions and may reduce the overall reactivity in patients with reptiles, as well as chronic pathological process in skeletal tissues. This supports the growth of all GAG fractions in the serum of different species of reptiles. The increase in GAG fraction III iguanas (Iguana iguana), agamas (Pogona vittiseps) and scinks (Tiliqua scincoides), containing mainly keratansulfat , heparansulfats and heparin, 1.7 , 10.9 and 2.8 times, respectively is evidence of metabolic disorders in the body of reptiles, including the tissue, as animals age does not match the signs of aging.
Key words: metabolic osteopathy, reptiles, bone density, biochemical, pathological fractures.
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