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The use of polymer-based antiseptic and desagregats with immune-modulating properties to treat cows with post-partum metritis and orthopedic pathology
The problem of postpartum metritis in highproductive cows is an important issue in dairy cattle due to significant high prevalence and high probability of long-term infertility. In the case of an associated inflammation of the uterus and purulent necrotic lesions in the digital region the consequences can be even worse due to the fact that these diseases share common pathogenic mechanisms and complications. Intrauterine administration of antibiotics, nitrofurans, sulfanilamide or iodine-contained drugs is widely used in veterinary practice to treat cows with metritis. However, most of these formulations are based on fat or foam, that does not ensure removal of excess tissue hydration out of diseased uterus, deep penetration of the antibacterial agents, normalization of microcirculation and acceleration of the involutional-regenerative processes.
Given the above, we have developed a new treatment regime where we used decametoxine solution as etiotropic remedy and thiotriazoline or pentoxifylline for the correction of pathogenesis.
Treatment was performed in three groups of cows with metritis, each of which is divided into two subgroups, depending on the availability of adjacent orthopedic pathology. In the first group there was used the basic scheme of therapy that included intrauterine administration 100 ml decametoxine three times, tryvit – twice daily and massage the uterus for six days. In the second group of animals there was added triple intrauterine application of thiotriazoline, and the third – the intraperitoneal administration of 10 ml 2% pentoxifylline, three times. The dynamics and character of fluid selection, the term of the uterus contractility recovery, the term of estrus manifestation and its completeness and fertility success after the first insemination there have been watched during the experiment.
There was found that the term of uterus discharge averaged 8.4 days in cows with healthy limbs that were treated with decametoxine. Rigidity, size and consistency of the uterus tissue were restored at 20.4 days after treatment. The normalization of inter-ovarian germinal processes was observed on 37.2-day period. As a result all cows showed excitement stage of sexual cycle out. Of these, 79% of cows had fully expressed morphofunctional state of genitalia before insemination, and the remaining 21% showed uterine atone, lack of estrous mucus discharge and the remaining corpus luteum in the ovary. The rate of fertilization in this group was 64%.
Purulent necrotic lesions in the digit area decompound the course of postpartum metritis and reduce the effectiveness of decametoxine treatment. Application of thiotriazoline or pentoxifylline together with intrauterine administration of decametoxine solution to treat cows with postpartum metritis accelerates recovery of morphofunctional state of the uterus, restores the reproductive cycle and increases the fertility rate by 4 and 6 %, respectively. The use of pentoxifylline eliminates the negative impact of orthopedic pathology at the stage of discharge production and excretion from the uterus, and the use of thiotriazoline leads to the restoration of the uterus condition and reproductive cycle.
Key words: cow, postpartum metritis, orthopedic pathology, decametoxine, thiotriazoline, pentoxifylline, discharge, rigidity of the uterus, sexual cycle restoration, fertility.
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