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The results of serological monitoring studies of circovirus infection among domestic pigs in the territory of ukraine for the period the years 2010-2012
The article presents data on serological monitoring surveys among domestic pigs concerning circovirus infection during the period 2010-2012 in Ukraine. Determination of specific humoral postinfectious antibodies against second type circovirus in the blood serum of pigs was performed by ELISA. The immune status of domestic pigs as to circovirus infection was determined by the results of the serological monitoring and a comparative regional evaluation of seroprevalence.
The monitoring study covered only 14 regions of Ukraine. From 2010 to 2012 the overall percentage of seropositive animals detected was 28.98%. As to the regions, this figure was as follows: 4.72% in the West, 48.45% in the South, 42,05% in the North; 28.57% in the East and 29.57% in the Central part. The monitoring studies on circovirus infection in pigs included all areas of Zaporіzzya and Sumy regions. In the others areas studied the results are as follows: Volyn – 37,5%, Mykolaiv – 47.37%, Odessa – 42,31%, Kherson – 38,89%, Zhytomyr – 39,13%, Kiev – 40.0%, Luhansk – 66.67%, Kharkiv – 22.22%, Vinytsia – 62,96%, Dnipropetrovsk – 36,36%, the Poltava – 16.0%, Cherkasy – 25.0%. The rest of the 11 regions were not under investigation.
Analysis of the dynamics of the studied indexes over the years shows its variety. In 2010 there were investigated 4.9%, in 2011 – 2.24%, in 2012 – 28.57% of the total number of areas of Ukraine. In this period, the total number of surveyed farms in Ukraine amounted to 343 and their distribution in different regions of Ukraine was this: Volyn – 12, Zaporizhia – 49, Mykolaiv – 12, Odessa – 51, Kherson – 12, Zhytomyr – 16, Kiev – 20, Sumy – 50, Luhansk – 23, Kharkiv – 6, Vinnytsia – 50, Dnepropetrovsk – 22, Poltava – 4, Cherkasy – 16. In some areas of Western (Zakarpathian, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Lviv, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky, Rivne), North (Chernihiv), Central (Kirovograd), South (Crimea) and Eastern (Donetsk) regions serological survey on circovirus infection in domestic pigs was not conducted. In Volyn, Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Poltava, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Luhansk regions among the tested domestic pigs antibodies to second type circovirus were found. In the Sumy region seropositive indicators were up to 23.52%, and in the Vinytsia, Cherkasy and Zaporizzya regions more than 50,0 %.
The results of serological ELISA investigation of domestic pigs to identify specific postinfectious humoral antibodies against second type circovirus indicated a decrease of the number of positive samples studied over the years. In 2010 there were detected 49.72 %, in 2012 – 23.66 % seropositive animals. This trend of decline of postinfectious seroprevalence among domestic pigs apparently associated with the annual increase in the number of pig farms that used preventive vaccination of livestock against circovirus infection. As it is mentioned above the serological studies on circovirus infection in domestic pigs were not carried out in the Western (Zacarpathian, Ivano- Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Lviv, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky, Rivne), North (Chernihiv), central (Kirovograd), South (AR Crimea) and Eastern (Donetsk) regions. Yet, it does not eliminate the possibility of the presence of field virus in swine populations and conversion of specific humoral antibodies in their blood.
Key words: circovirus type II, domestic pigs, ELISA, antibodies, serological monitoring.
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