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The management of veterinary drugs in condition of the modern type of pig farms
The inventory management system of veterinary drugs is a set of measures to create and update requirements for safe operation of pig farms by the continuous monitoring and operational planning of drug supply. The main part of the veterinary drugs system is a mechanism for creating feedback. That is, the system of veterinary products will be managed in case when after an impact it will be possible to properly evaluate a new situation, take into account the data on the system and apply any corrective action. In the management of stocks veterinary drugs should be allocated to different quantitative stock levels: maximum, marginal, insurance, transition and minimum stock.
The streaming technology production process takes place in four divisions: insemination, reproduction, rearing and fattening. That is why the system of veterinary drugs in pigs follows and depends on the technological peculiarities of pig industry. Supply of goods and veterinary use as well as the formation of the stock has certain features that are due to weekly cycle in the pig.
That is why our aim is to define a minimal, transient, reserved and limited supply of veterinary drugs that are necessary to ensure the technology of the modern pig farm.
Given the specificity of the detected minimum stock is nothing more than a need for veterinary drugs for the period from the date of transfer of pigs from the insemination to fattening. In other words, this is the period for which the required minimum stock of veterinary drugs is needed to provide technological cycle.
The transition fund consist of veterinary residues at the end of the period. This type of residues of veterinary drugs must ensure the continuity of the process, from the beginning of that period to the delivery of a new batch of veterinary products. In the practice of veterinary medicine there also has to be a separate category of so-called "safety stok" which serves as an emergency source of supply for veterinary needs in case the expenditure has failed or there may be some problems with timely delivery. Hence there is a need for having some reserve of veterinary supply.
The maximum stock level – this is the level that determines when submitting an order for another batch of products and veterinary products. The very definition of the limit order level is the factor that determines the economic feasibility of building supplies of veterinary products.
Maximum margin is the sum of the minimum, transitional, reserved and marginal supply. This is the volume of veterinary goods and means that provide economic need for the calendar year. However, even slight changes in the technological process tend to decrease or increase the size of the transition and insurance stocks. As a result, the maximum margin carries a direct threat to economic losses due to non-use of veterinary products because of expiration date of certain categories of veterinary products. Thus, the control system by means of the proper regulation of veterinary products supply in industrial economies is the basis for planning vaccination and control measures. There have to be taken into account the kind of diseases and treatment regime used, control of veterinary products residues and the duration of their life.
Key words: management, pig, technology, veterinary records, supply of veterinary drugs.
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