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Streptokococal infection of swine, actual problems antibioticorezistence’s development
In streptococcal swine infections, very large numbers of pigs are ill in almost all pig farms not only in Ukraine but also in the whole world causing great economic losses. For a long time, the specialists managed to fight this infection quite successfully, but over the past few years the problem of antibiotic resistance of bacteria to medical products has become more and more extensive. Streptococcus suis, a pathogen for Streptococcus suis due to the fact that it is very common, is becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics, and given the importance of this pathogen, this is one of the main and global problems in pig breeding. People and animals feed many different types of bacteria, most of them belong to normal bacterial flora. Nevertheless, some of them are opportunistic pathogens or are transformed into pathogens if transferred to another owner. All bacteria have the ability to quickly adapt to the environment.
Antimicrobial resistance is an important factor to consider when treating bacterial diseases, some pathogens are resistant to a wide range of drugs, and some are susceptible to a particular class. The use of antimicrobial drugs and for treatment and prevention is effective in controlling infection, several antimicrobial agents are used to reduce the microbial load. Mistakes can easily occur here, an insufficient dose of antibiotics can be given, which leads to the formation of a stable strain, and also uses these drugs as growth stimulants. Therefore, such wide and non-selective use of antibiotics leads to the selection of resistant bacteria and this resistance may even be intermediate between different classes Antibiotics. In the analysis of antimicrobial sensitivity, proper use of the drug is important.
Most often antibiotic resistance is formed and developed due to the misuse of antibiotics both in the treatment or prevention of diseases and their use as growth stimulants. Resistance to antibacterial drugs is a serious problem in many areas associated with infectious diseases such as bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal diseases, and it is also necessary to take into account that the pathogen of streptococcus is also dangerous for humans. Currently, the greatest problem in modern veterinary medicine and medicine is the antibiotic resistance of the main pathogens of infectious diseases. Resolving the problem of resistance is very difficult as it is not one-sided. Drugs that were effective a few years ago today lose their positions, and their use is compelled to be limited.
Resistance to several groups of antibiotics can be formed for various reasons. Reducing the permeability of the external structures of the bacterial cell is the least specific mechanism of resistance and usually leads to the formation of resistance of bacteria simultaneously to several groups of antibiotics. Often, the cause of this phenomenon is the total or partial loss of porous proteins of the cell membrane of bacteria. In addition, there is a system of multiple resistance to antibiotics.To date, no one has definitely determined what the main causes of such a rapid spread of resistance and its occurrence in general. Therefore, only an integrated approach and the use of all possible methods and measures will lead to a successful overcoming of this problem. The level of resistance to the action of the antibiotic is different for both the individual antimicrobial agent and the specific strain of the microorganism.
Key words: antibiotic resistance, swine streptococcosis, resistance to drugs, mechanisms of overcoming, pathogen, susceptibility, disease.
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