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This article presents the results of the researching of changing of clinical and haematological indices of cats, infested by Otodectes cynotis with different intensity of infestation. It was found, that animals with otodectosis have not just local defeat of the auricles, but also there is sensitization, liver function violation because of the influence of parasites metabolites and products of inflammation. In the case of high intensity of mites’ infestation (18,9±0,81 specimens of live ticks in the test smear) cats also have anaemia and kidneys’ pathology. Specified changes are reflected in significant changes in hematological parameters of infected animals, such as erythrocytopenia, leukocytosis, basophilia, eosinophilia, shift of the neutrophilic nucleus of the leukogram to the left. Biochemical blood indices of cats, infected by agents of otodectosis, were distinguished by a decrease in albumin concentration, an increase in total bilirubin, cholesterol, and also by hyperfermentemia. At a high intensity of O. cynotis invasion, the content of total protein in the test animals’ serum was declined, and creatinine and urea – increased.
Keywords: otodectosis, mates, cats, intensity of infestation, clinical signs, hematological indices, morphology, biochemistry.
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