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A-, E-vitamin and calcium-phosphorus exchange in chicken broilers for the use of Alphadet for animals
The purpose of research. To study the influence of the Vitamin-Amino Acid Preparation «Alphabet for Animals» (solution for oral application, production of PJSC «Technolog», Uman) on the state of A, E vitamin and calcium-phosphorus metabolism in chicken broilers.
Material and methods of research. Experimental studies were conducted in 2017 on the number of broiler chickens of the Cobb-500 cross, a training and production center of the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University.
The material for the study was 2,886 broiler chickens, divided into control and experimental group of 1443 heads in each. Clinical and biochemical studies were carried out on 20 chicks of each of these groups.The drug was dosed from a 12-day age for 7 days, followed by a seven-day break, after which the chickens were given a new dose of 1 ml / l of water during the week.
Blood for examination was selected by the method of peritoneal subcutaneous vein puncture. Laboratory research was carried out on the basis of the Department of Therapy and Clinical Diagnostics and the Laboratory for the Diagnosis of Animal Diseases of the Biomaterials of the Bila Tserkva NAU. The blood was examined before giving out, after the course of the first and second periods of the drug. A- and E-vitamin exchange were studied by definition in serum: vitamin A – by Bessie's method in modification V.I. Levchenko, vitamin E – in reaction with 2'2-dipyridylum; mineral metabolism – a study of the concentration of total calcium with a reagent Arsenazo-III, inorganic phosphorus – for the VIS-variant in reaction with triethanolamine (TU U 24.4-24607793-019-2003, date of the last validation, 24.02.2017). All of the above-mentioned procedures were carried out by the reagents of the Research Institute of Physics-based Diagnostics using the semi-automatic biochemical analyzer Stat Fax 1904+ (serial number 1904-5040). The results of the studies were statistically counted using the Excel 2016 program. Chickens of all groups fed feed, provided by a technological card for the use of cross-bird, which included starter, growth and fattening periods.
The results of the work revealed that in the clinical study of broiler chickens in the experimental group, which was given a dose of 1 ml/l of water at the beginning of the work, the signs of conjunctivitis were noted in 3,4, perosus – in 3,1 % of the population. At the end of the experiment, in the experimental group, chickens with signs of conjunctivitis were 1,7 % (24 individuals) and 1,3 % (9 heads). That is, the drug at the indicated dose caused a decrease in the percentage of poultry with clinical signs of conjunctivitis and perorus. The content of vitamin A at the end of the experiment (second release of the drug) was greater than the lower limit of norm in 50 % of the experimental group, and on average it was 183,9±6,51 μg/100 ml versus 159,6±4,81 μg/100 ml in the control group bird. For the study of mineral metabolism, it was found that after two-fold application of the drug in 90 % of the poultry, the calcium content was higher than the lower limit of normal. That is, for the third selection of blood, the concentration of this macroelement in the chickens in the control group was 2,35±0,06 mmol/l, and in the experimental group, it probably (p<0,05) increased to 2,54±0,04 mmol/l The difference between the content of total calcium in the third and first bird of the experimental group was 13 % (p<0,001).
The prospect of further research is the study of A, E-vitamin and calcium-phosphorus metabolism in broiler chickens for doses of the Vitamin-Amino Acid Complex "Alphabet for animals" – 2 ml/l of water.
Key words: chicken-broilers, vitamin-amino acid complex "Alphabet for animals", vitamin A, vitamin E, total calcium, inorganic phosphorus, magnesium.
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