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Some questions of episothology and treatment of dogs with demodecosis
This article presents the results of studying the spread of demodicosis of the dogs of different breeds, age groups, sex, and also the effectiveness of the two schemes of treating animals in the generalized form of this pathology.
The work was carried out in the conditions of two of veterinary clinics: "Olenyatko" in Kherson and "Doctor Vet", Bila Tserkva, Kyiv region. It was established that during 2017, out of 495 animals with skin lesions, 193 (38.99%) were diagnosed with demodicosis.
Analysing the results of the studies on sensitivity to D. canis of different breeds it has been found out that the most responsive to treatment were short-haired animals: Rottweiler, pit bull terrier, French Bulldog, American Staffordshire Terrier. Regarding the age-related responsiveness to demodexes, it was noted that the most affected animals were between 3 and 12 months old. There is no significant corelation between the demodex lesion of dogs and dog's sexes.
Observations of a large number of animals with demodicosis showed that the untimely diagnosis that determines the onset of development in individual parts of the body is rapidly generalized. On the parts that are affected by the lesions, the skin loses elasticity, is hyperemic, thickened, folded, acquires a red-bluish color, which eventually acquires a dirty gray shade. Itching is usually absent, but the dogs lick the affected areas, which leads to infection of the skin with pathogenic microflora.
Thus, the scaly form of demodicosis recorded at the onset of the disease with separate lesions spreads over large areas of thickened bare skin. With the course of the disease, a continuous demodectic focus is formed, complicated by a secondary infection.
The effectiveness of the two treatment regimens for dogs in the generalized form of demodecosis has been determined. One of them is a single application of Bravecto (Dv fluralaner) – an insecto-acaricide of systemic action; the other included the use of ivermectin-10, amitrazine plus, cathosal 10%, and carlosil.
Laboratory studies of skin scrapings indicated the absence of invasion in animals 20 days after the start of treatment.
The disadvantages of using the complex scheme are: a large number of manipulations, which were accompanied by stress reactions in animals and dog owners. One-time giving Bravacto was accompanied by a calm state for both, patients and their owners.
Thus, both treatment regimens for dogs with generalized form of demodecosis had 100% efficiency. The main advantage of using Bravacto was the absence of complications, including stress in animals and their owners. It is necessary to emphasize the relatively high cost of such treatment, which may not be available to individual animal owners.
Key words: demodecosis, epizootology, insectoctacaricide Bravecto, complex therapy.
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