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X-ray and macromorphological evaluation of reparative osteogenesis by implantation of hydroxyapatite composite doped with germanium
Fragmentary fractures require not only the use of complex methods of osteosynthesis, but also the replacement of the defect site with implants to optimize reparative osteogenesis. A large number of osteosubstitute materials are used, including hydroxyapatite ceramics. To enhance its osteointegration properties, microelements with osteoinductive properties are added. The aim of the work is X-ray and macromorphological evaluation of the influence of hydroxyapatite ceramics doped with germanium on reparative osteogenesis in model fractures of the femur and radius in rabbits. Model defects were formed in the radial diaphysis and femur metaphysis in rabbits with a drill with a diameter of 3 mm and 4.2 mm, respectively. Anesthesia included acepromazine, thiopenate, and lidocaine infiltration anesthesia. In the experimental group (n=12) defects were replaced by granules of hydroxyapatite ceramics doped with germanium, and in the control group (n=12) – undoped. The use of hydroxyapatite ceramics doped with germanium is accompanied by a moderate course of the inflammatory-resorptive phase of reparative osteogenesis. At the same time on the radiographs of animals of the experimental group on the 14th day the periosteal reaction is moderate, and on the 30th day it is barely noticeable with increased radiological density. In control animals after trauma to the compact bone proximal and distal to its location showed a thickened and compacted periosteum with a contrasting composite material. On the 60th day in the cancellous bone of experimental animals, the area of injury acquired an X-ray density close to normal, in the control – it remained elevated. Hydroxyapatin composite doped with germanium acquires osteoinductive properties and may be promising for the replacement of bone defects and correction of reparative osteogenesis in animals. Key words: bioceramics, germanium, bone fractures, compact and spongy bone tissue, rabbits.
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