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Acellular probiotics and asparagic acid in the prevention of postpartum endometritis in cows

Postpartum endometritis is one of the most widespread pathologies in animal husbandry. They often occur on the background of exposure on animals stress factors, microclimate disorders, complete feeding, which is accompanied by decrease of the resistance, leads to increasing morbidity, etc. The aim of the research is to develop a method of prevention of postpartum endometritis in cows using cell-free probiotics "Bacinil" and "Lactimet" with 4 % suspension of aspartic acid. Complex use of integrated cell-free probiotics "Bacinyl" and "Lactimet" with 4% suspension of asparagic acid for the prevention of postpartum endometritis in doses of 7.5 and 10 ml each at 3-fold use once a day for 3 days in a row allowed to obtain 100% preventive effi cacy. The mechanism of action of probiotic "Bacinil" is based on the high activity of components of its composition - immunostimulants (lipopolysaccharides), bacteriocins and enzymes, probiotic "Lactimet" due to biosynthetic lactic acid and a complex of fermentation products. Complex application of probiotics and aspartic acid increases their bacteriostatic activity, which allows more actively suppress the proliferation of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora, complicating the flowing of postpartum endometritis; promotes liquefaction of exudate accumulated in the uterine cavity due to enzymes included in probiotic "Bacinil"; leads to activation of local immunity of endometrial tissues due to immunostimulating activity of components of "Bacinil" and "Lactimet" probiotics; creation of low pH level in the uterine cavity due to aspartic acid and biosynthetic lactic acid.

Key words: cows, postpartum endometritis, prophylaxis, acellular probiotics, aspartic acid.

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