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Alimentar factors are the basis of internal polymethabolic pathology in ewes

Sheep are the only species of the farm animals, from which the most various products could be obtained, such as wool, 
sheepskin, stripes, nutritional lamb and mutton, milk, cheese, fat. From lambs slaughtered for strips the abomasum is used to 
produce the rennet ferment which is used for the production technology of different cheese varieties. From the skins of Ro-
manov sheep breed is made the famous fur coats. Sheep’s milk and its products by the richness and variety of products are 
unparalleled among other foodstuffs. The sheep milk is always valued for its high medicinal properties and is widely used for 
gastrointestinal disorders in infants beneficial to the sick liver, prevents myocardial infarction, containing hormone longevity. 
Mutton is an important sheep product. 
There is not a significant difference between lamb, beef and pork by essential amino acids composition and quantity 
staff. The abovementioned quality of sheep products combined with ruggedness sheep to the feed circumstances has led to 
the widespread of this industry on all the continents. Since the ancient times, on the territory of Ukraine big attention was 
devoted to the development of the sheep industry. Nowadays, the sheep industry meets its crisis: the sheep livestock was 
reduced it 10 times, the production and reproduction indexes decreased in 1,5–2 times, the planned market economy was; 
marked and s distribution system of the sheep industry are not well managed. 
The aim of the researchers is to study the feeding of the pregnant ewes in five areas of Lugansk region considering the 
essential content of trace elements in the feed and its influence on the polymetabolitic pathology. 
The mission was performed in five districts of the Lugansk region Lutugino, Slovyanoserbs’k, Krasnodon, Markivka and 
Troitsk. The first one belongs to the southern province, the next two and the last two to the central and north respectively.  
Alfalfa and sainfoin hay was used for feeding only in one farm. The content of copper, zinc and especially manganese in 
the alfalfa hay was higher comparing to the table data (manganese - in 2,33 times), in the sainfoin hay the biggest difference 
was in zinc except the manganese: its content was 2,75 times higher. The high level of all microelements comparing to the 
table data was in millet and wheat straw, middlings and corn, barley, sunflower meal, bran and corn silage, and two elements  
in the mixed grass hay meadow, grass hay sudan, middlings wheat and oats. 
The copper content was higher in 12 of the 19 tested feeds comparing to the table data manganese and zinc in 18. These 
results indicate the soil contamination of the Luhansk region by the tested microelements. The copper content was higher in 
sunflower meal (26,4 mg/kg) and in maize bran (14,1), manganese in the corn bran (196,7), in the millet straw (91,6) and 
mixed grass hay meadow (873,3) and lucerne (83,6), zinc in the corn bran (136,8) and sainfoin hay (58,4 mg/g). 
Only 5 out of 19 tested feeds contain of the microelements that meet the table data except lowest one (cooper, manga-
nese or zinc) and only two in the oatmeal – cooper and zinc. 
The content of the essential microelements in other samples was higher compared to the table data. 
The general disadvantages of the ewes’ feeding belonging to the different technological groups are the following: imper-
fect diet structure, high content of the dry matter, the low concentration of energy, crude and digestible protein easy ferment-
ed carbohydrates, phosphorus, sulfur, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt, sometimes iodine, high content of calcium, potassium, 
magnesium and iron in 1 kg of dry substance of the ration feeds. 
For the first time the ewes need in starch was calculated, and the following ratio was detailed: sugar and protein, starch+ 
sugar protein and starch+sugar and fiber. 
Based on the integrated diagnostic tests (clinical, laboratory, ultrasound, macromorphological) hepatodystrophy, hepato-
renal and hepato-osteodystrophy syndromes, nephrosis, osteodystrophy and microelementosis were detected. The proportion 
of each depends on the ewes’ physiological condition: pregnant, lactating, nonpregnant. 
Key words: ewes pregnant, feeding ratio, dry substance, energy, protein, starch, sugar, fiber, micro- and microelements. 

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