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The analysis of dynamics of the indexes of mineral exchange in ewes at the different physiology state
In the article the state of exchange of macronutrients is analyzed in pregnant sheep and in the first months of lactation. Disorders of metabolism of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium clinically showed up the unsteadiness of incisors, thinning, rickets, sometimes dissolves of the last pair of ribs, curvature of extremities.
During laboratory research hypocalcaemia was founded in 45 ewes in lamb from 52 (86,5 %), and in 2–3 months after lambing – in 26 from 30 (86,7 %), that distribution of hypocalcaemia in both groups of sheep was identical. Sheep in lamb with hypophosphatemia it was 50 %, among milking – 70 %. In a period of the last months of pregnant ewes with disorders of phosphoric-calcium metabolism it was 48 (92,3 %), from which in 23 sheep (44,2 %) the hypocalciemia and hypophosphatemia were coincided. After lambing situation did not almost change. All ewes with the changes of level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood serum it was 27 (90 %), simultaneously pathology was registered in 22 sheep (73,3 %), only with hypocalciemia – 4 (13,3 %), hypophosphatemia according to 1 (3,3 %). In pregnant ewes with optimum content of macronutrients the correlation of Ca:P is 1,50±0,102 (1,30–1,61) and reliable (r<0,01) differs from the index in sheep with hypocalciemia and hypophosphatemia (1,80±0,079; 1,30–2,86) and sheep with optimum content of calcium and decreasing level of phosphorus (1,84±0,080; 1,74–2,0) and on the contrary (1,22±0,045; 0,88–1,58). A similar tendency registered in the group of milking ewes.
From 40 pregnant ewes hypomagniemia was founded in 16 (40 %), from 10 milking – in 5 (50 %). Thus, both during pregnancy and after lambing, metabolism of macronutrients Ca, P and Mg was in the more tense state, disorders of mineral metabolism have been subclinical motion, because the part of sheep with the expressed clinical changes was considerably less.
The main cause of disorders of homeostasis of macronutrients (Ca, P, Mg) in the organism of sheep was the unbalanced feeding. In the rations of ewes it was observed the deficit of digestible protein, easy fermentation carbohydrates, phosphorus, sulphur, mangan, vitamin D and, at the same time, surplus of calcium, magnesium, ferum. Correlation between Ca and P it was 4,4–4,5:1.
The development of osteodystrophy in parts of sheep has been pathogenesis connection with pathology of liver and kidney. Almost in 50 % pregnant and milking ewes was observed the disorders of the functional state of liver as a result of changing the levels of general protein, part of albumin, test of sulemic reaction and the activity of aspartataminotransferase in blood serum. In 8,7 % of pregnant ewes the disorders of phosphoric-calcium metabolism took place with development of nephropaty, which showed by increasing level of urea and creatinine in blood serum.
Key words: ewes, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, feeding, functional state of liver and kidney.
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