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Antibiotic therapy during Aeromonas In Fisheries of Ukraine
In infectious disease of fish in aquaculture, often the main place is taken bacterial diseases, and therefore the development of measures to deal with them has always paid special attention. To allow the use of antibiotics for therapeutic needs in the future, requires strict epidemiological and microbiological control, directed against the emergence of resistant organisms to drugs.
Bacterial etiology of disease, more than half of pond fish causes the constant use of antibiotics in fish farms to control them epizootic situation. However, the high efficiency of these activities will be achieved only when the use of antibiotics, which have not yet established the resistance of the microflora.
Such preparations are almost the only means of eliminating fish diseases by helping you quickly eliminate the threat of outbreaks. The antibiotic substance in ichthyopathology used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also as means of control and regulation of the bacterial population during the time required for response of the immune system.
The study conducted in farms of Zhytomyr, Sumy and Donetsk regions. Investigations were carried out from October 2013 to March 2014. In work used 50 carp of different ages, 15 samples of mixed fodders with addition of antibiotics, the water from the ponds. Were processed statistics ichthyopathological laboratory at the Department of Fisheries.
In the study we have found that the mixed fodders on various fish farms were identified pre-emptive use of chloramphenicol and erythromycin.
In fish farms Zhytomyr region in the mixed fodders added chloramphenicol (55% of all mixed fodders), erythromycin (35%) or nitrafurazon (10%). Mixed fodders with antibiotics are fed to the fish farms in April and May, as well as newly introduced by individuals regardless of the season. In order to prevent the formation of resistant strains to the antibiotics specialists of farms resorted to receive the alternating use of various antibiotics. Shelf life of each drug is not more than 5 years. Against the background of such alternations of antibiotics there is an increase the content of their in the mixed fodders. However, it was observed that the use of mixed fodders with addition of the oxytetracycline marked slowdown in growth and fatness of carp fingerlings, as well as a decline of fish body resistance. For example, the use of chloramphenicol leads not only to a decrease in the immune response of the fish, but also the destruction of the symbiotic intestinal microfloramake room for the pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to negative consequences.
In addition to feeding and antibiotics bacteriostatics in fish farms, which are permanently disadvantaged by haemorrhagic septicemia are also used by therapeutic baths with neomycin and nitrofurazone.
In the Sumy region to control the aromonozis mainly used amoksilin, erythromycin, neomycin, and nitrofurazone. In the Donetsk region as of 2013 for the prevention and treatment of haemorrhagic septicemia based on studies of the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics is used amoksilin, erythromycin, neomycin and less frequently, oxytetracycline.
In 2007 in the fish farms Stepnoe of Yasinovatskiy area in the event of outbreak of haemorrhagic septicemia in a pond with the carp fingerlings when using erythromycin and neomycin have not been respected recommending concentration and intervals of the use of antibiotics, which has led to the appearance of a superinfection. Therefore, it was decided that a complete stop of the system and a two-year the estivation of the ponds.
As the conclusion I want to say that is necessary to strictly adhere to the standard operating procedures and guidelines regarding the use of antibiotic drugs.
And also conduct annual monitoring to identify the susceptibility of microorganisms to the drugs what will be used in the fish farms. But at the same time and should be consider the possible side effects of drugs on the organism of the fish.
Key words: the antibiotic, bacterial disease, superinfection, Infectious diseases of fishes, ichthyopathology.
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