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Biological properties and immunoregulatory activity of probiotic cultures Bac. subtilis strain BI-12
At the present stage of development of medical-biological, molecular genetics and biotechnological research avalanche of experimental data justifying the use of saprophytic resident microflora as probiotic biologics to suppress vital functions infectious pathogens, repression of neoplastic processes and the normalization of metabolism and immune biological reactivity of the microorganism.
One of the most promising microorganisms with probiotic potency is Bac. subtilis. A variety of metabolic processes, biochemical, and genetic variability, resistance to digestive enzymes and lytic served as the basis for their wide use as probiotics. Managing for quality control of food and Drug Administration has assigned Bac. subtilis status GRAS (generally regarded as safe) – it is safe organisms, which is a prerequisite for use in the manufacture of biologics mikrobiontov.
Based on experimental data, that the probiotic culture Bac. subtilis strain BI-12 has a typical kind of morpho-tinctorial and cultural properties, exhibits high antagonistic activity to a wide spectrum of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms with little resistance to antibiotics and severe biochemical activity. This microbial mass has a positive effect on the immune biological reactivity of the microorganism; it stimulates nonspecific resistance, increases the absorption capacity of phagocytes, and increases the level of LASK and BASK.
When evaluating the functional state of nonspecific immune biological reactivity of the organism should be noted a significant increase in phagocytic activity of phagocytic cells. This statistically significant change in the level of oxygen metabolism of neutrophils were found. This indicates that the biomass of probiotic bacillary culture Bac. subtilis strain BI-12, has expressed a positive bio influence control function on phagocytic function and its mechanisms immune biological reactivity of organism of experimental animals in a comparative perspective with those of intact features of the control group.
Biological properties of the probiotic culture Bac. subtilis strain BI-12 and bacillary immune biological activity of living cells in the physiological characteristics and functional activity of non-specific resistance mechanisms microorganism suggest promising research immune stimulation effect of probiotic cultures Bac. subtilis strain BI-12 in the construction of complex multi-symbiotic biological products for the correction of the physiological state of the microorganism and immune biological status.
Key words: probiotic culture Bac. subtilis, phagocytic index, phagocytic activity and bactericidal activity of lizotsymna activity serum blood.
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