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Clinical and biochemical characteristics of reparative osteogenesis at osteosynthesis of thigh bones comminuted fractures in dogs using Collapan

The objective - to determine clinical and biochemical criteria of reparative osteogenesis in dogs with comminuted fractures of thigh bone on condition of substituting of bone defects by osteotropic composite Collapan L.

Materials and methods of the research.  Dogs with comminuted diaphyseal fractures of thigh bone were divided into control (n = 7) and experimental group (n = 7). In the experimental group after the imposition of a plate the defect was additionally replaced by granules "Collapan L".

Results of the research and discussion. In dogs with fractures of thigh bones set dynamics of content in blood markers of connective tissue molecules of average weight, soluble fibrin, fibrinases,  nitric oxide and glucose.

The content of total hexose increased to 3rd day in the experimental group in 1.2 times, and in control in 1.3 times (р<0,001) compared with the preoperative period. This was due to an increase (р<0,05) content of glycoprotein (GP) to 0,98±0,07 g / l in the experimental and 1,0±0,08 g / l in the control group. After 7 days, in the control group there was a decrease in the concentration of G 1.3 and GP 1.4 times (р<0,05). However, in the experimental group contents GP remained elevated. That is, after the application  of Collapan phase of inflammatory resorption slightly elongated.

The concentration of molecules middle mass (MMM) at fractures of thigh bone  was increased in 1.4 times (р<0,001). This is connected with catabolic processes due to injury and the inflammatory response. In the dogs of the control group after the 60th  day, the second peak observed increasing of their content in the blood to a level of 0,77±0,02 g / l (р<0,001). This is due to the larger volume resorption of bone regenerate in control dogs.

In dogs with fractures of the thigh bone concentration of soluble fibrin (SF) was in 1.7 times (р<0,05) more than in clinically healthy animals. In dogs of the control group concentration of  SF continued to increase on the 3rd day to 31,7±3,3 mg%, which was in 1.4 times higher (р<0,05) than in research group. This is because in the experimental animals bone defect was filled with Collapan, which contributed to the mechanical stop of bleeding. In the control group on the 7th day, the SF concentration tended to decrease, and in the experimental increased to 27,2±3,1 mg%. Such strengthening of trombinemia most likely is due to the reaction of cattle  on collagen, which is a part of Collapan.

In dogs with fractures of the thigh bone, FXIII activity increased to 122,5 ± 5,8%, (р<0,01). On the third day after osteosynthesis tendency to further increase of its activity in experimental dogs was marked, while in the control it, on the contrary, decreased in 1.3 times (р<0,01). On the 7th and 14th day, its activity remained high (р<0,05) in both groups, with no significant difference between them, followed by a tendency to normalization, starting from the 30th day after osteosynthesis.

Consequently, the filling of the bone defect with composite promotes mechanical stop of bleeding, accompanied by less expenditure of FXIII to stabilize the blood clot.

In dogs with fractures of thigh bone the level of nitric oxide decreased to the 7th day. In the control group on the 30th  day, the decrease in its level was noted in 1.5 times (р<0,05). In the experimental group the level of nitric oxide did not differ from the rate of clinically healthy dogs to the 60th day. That is, use of Collapan indirectly reduces the level of endothelial dysfunction at reparative process due to smaller changes in local hemostasis at osteosynthesis.

The level of glucose in the blood serum of dogs with fractures of the thigh bone increased to 6,92 ± 0,27 mmol / l, which is in 1.3 times higher (р<0,001) than in clinically healthy dogs. Approximately at this level its indices in both groups were the same on the 3rd day after osteosynthesis, which is associated primarily with pain reaction in response to bone injury.

Conclusions 1. Application of Collapan for replacing bone defects in dogs with extracortical  osteosynthesis is accompanied by a mechanical stop of bleeding, which leads to less expressed changes in the hemostatic system and endothelial function and reduces catabolic processes in the area of the fracture.

2. Replacement of bone defects by Collapan has no effect on the level of post-traumatic stress, but the presence in its composition alien for dogs collagen causes elongation stage of inflammatory resorption.

Prospects for further research is to establish clinical and biochemical criteria complicated course of reparative osteogenesis by using Collapan in dogs with comminuted fractures of tubular bones.

Key words: dog, bone fractures, glycosaminoglycans, glycoproteins, soluble fibrin, glucose, nitric oxide, Collapan.

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