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Clinical features of leptospirosal uveitis in dogs
The eyes diseases in dogs are quite common. They may be caused by trauma, infectious and parasitic factors, allergies, etc. One of the very often consequences of the diseases is blindness, which makes the animal helpless and unable to navigate the environment. In this contest the study of etiology and effective treatment options for dogs with eyes diseases are important task for the modern small animals veterinary medicine.
In many cases dogs, as well as animals of other species, are diagnosed with treatable diseases of the anterior segment of the eyeball – the conjunctiva and cornea. The diseases that enter deeper parts of the eye, including choroid, are not having sufficient attention yet and at the same time these deeper pathologies lead to severe complications such as cataracts and glaucoma. Very few scientists studied uveitis in Ukraine and only some modern materials on eyes diseases are enlightened in a handbook on veterinary and medical ophthalmology. In this regard, the study of the etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms and development of effective treatment options for eyes diseases in dogs is relevant both from the theoretical and practical sides.
That is why the main goal of our work was to study the breed and age sensitivity to uveitis of the dogs with leptospirosis, and to determine the main clinical and diagnostic signs of leptospirosal uveitis in dogs.
There was established that leptospirosal uveitis more often occurs in Eastern European Sheepdogs (27.8 %) and less often – in outbreed dogs (16.7 %). Most sensitive to the occurrence of uveitis (in case of leptospirosis) are dogs over 12 months of age.
Typical clinical signs of leptospirosal uveitis with low manifestation of cilliary body inflammation are: miosis, photophobia, lacrimation and light changes of the iris. In case of medium level inflammation the damage is manifested by distinct miosis, light ciliary pain, edema of iris and cornea, precipitates in the anterior chamber of the eye. During the course of the severe inflammation there may be found pericorneal vessels’ injection, hifema, severe cilliary pain, presence of fibrin in the anterior eye chamber, rear synechia and glaucoma .
Hematologic parameters for uveitis that is not occurs as a complication of leptospirosis are the same as in case of uveitis which accompany leptospirosis. The results allow us to suggest that the involving of others causative factors of the cilliary body inflammation is taking place and further research is needed in this direction.
Key words: uveitis, leptospirosis, dogs, miosis, cilliary body, cornea.
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