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Comparative study of various methods skushuvannya teeth in newborn piglets
Known is that the pig is born with milk teeth 8–2 canines and 2 selvages in each jaw. They are morphologically fully developed as completely cut crowns, mineralized enamel and dentin, tooth- shaped ash pocket. The results of the study of height, width and thickness of the crowns indicate that they have a fairly wide margin of fluctuation in different individuals. Baby teeth, especially the corners, its form very different from regular. Form of milk canines and loose with piglets wedge, and the cut - Oval. Top (occlusal surface) milk canines of the upper and lower jaws and lower corners are shaped like a cone. Crown selvages maxilla xiphoid bent, blunt tip. Thus no differences in the size and shape of the tooth structure in males and females. Given the above outlined features anatomotopohraphy milk teeth, all eight of the teeth should be removed. If not pruned, the udder of the sow may be injured. Removal of teeth and prevents injury during the struggle for sows udder nipple or even a simple game. Teeth pigs are cut as soon as possible after birth. We recommend it performed immediately after the crates or the next day if it was night. Often combined with a number of technological manipulation, including kaudotomiya and perform injection drugs.
Fixing animals made directly veterinary, while pig placed directly on hand. For better surgical access to the teeth holding his head with his left hand, with the fingers moderately pressuring the mandibular joint and mouth open or thumb placed in the mouth , which also provide access .In the control group equipment operations was to ensure that the dental forceps cut 1/ 2 to 2 /3 of each tooth , while being careful not to injure the gums and tongue , which may fall by the edge of the surface of the tool. This prevents bleeding and infection. Head nahylyaly so that the removed tooth fell out independently from the mouth. After skushuvannya teeth are sharp parts of his crown, which must be removed once and for length, significantly higher than indicated above. Thus there is bleeding pulp of the tooth is exposed, that leads to the development of postoperative pulpitis. When mechanical damage often occurs crown exposure of the pulp. First, it has a red appearance as bleeding. Exacerbation of inflammation and infection of the pulp change its primary traumatic kind that turns yellow, brown, gray or black. The same color may have dentin surrounding the pulp. If the whole tooth crown, the tooth with pulpitis color becomes dull. Near skushenoho tooth marked edema of the mucosa. This phenomenon we have registered all pigs who performed skushuvannya teeth with pliers.
Aseptic pulp difficult to diagnose, and in purulent clinical features pronounced. This phenomenon we have registered 13 animals in the control group. One of the characteristic clinical signs of pulpitis is painful tooth, inability sucking nipple impressions side of the mouth, reluctance to open your mouth and so on. It should be noted that the goal pulp (crown fractures or cracks) at the moment of ignition gives less pain to the animal than the pulp, covered with a layer of dentin. This is due to the outflow of inflammatory exudate, as vessels through which blood is flowing into the cavity of the tooth, is finite, and the vessels through which blood must vidtikaty from the cavity of the tooth poorly developed. The pulp is placed in a bone box, so that even minor disturbances circulatory vessels grip on the exit of the root canal, leading to its necrosis. Due to the congestion in the pulp and hardness around the walls zdavlyuyet nerve, which is the animal appears sharp pain, severe tension in the pulp chamber. When it opened fluid finds way out and painful reaction decreases. The sooner come necrosis of the pulp (about 3–5 days) , the sooner the animal disappears painful reaction , and the crown of the tooth pulp in patient becomes dull color. By treating purified from food residues, dirt injured area of the crown and exposing the pulp by washing with a solution of warm syringe furatsillina. Acute small spoon carefully, without any pressure to once again not to touch the living pulp did not cause increased pain of softened dentin was removed from the walls and bottom of pathological cavity. At the bottom of the machined cavity injected with a small watt ball soaked in 1.4 % solution of carbolic acid (orasept) , and the top was applied swab soaked kolodiumom . Before the imposition of Wool balls with carbolic acid needed to wring out the excess amount of solution so as not to cause burns of the mucous membranes. Phenol diffuses into the pulp and cause of analgesia, coming in a few days because of his actions cautery.
In the experimental group of piglets skushuvannya teeth was performed using a special device. Fixing the animals was performed as in the control group. The technique of surgery was to ensure that the working surface of the device we stochuvaly of the baby teeth are sharp for 1/2 or 2/3 of their length, and in some cases much less. It should be noted that it is relatively easy to control. As the V. Avrorov, for the prevention of this injury is sufficient to only 0,5–1 cm removed his crown, which was carried out and adhered to in terms of our economy. The pulp of the tooth does not oholyuvalasya, and postoperative complications of any nature have been reported.
Key words: skushyvanye teeth, pigs, devices for stachyvanyya teeth, pulpitis.
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