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Comparison of osseointegration properties of individual and standard sized implants
According to clinical and radiological studies,the presented samples of calcium-phosphate ceramicimplants fully perform the osteoconductive function.However, in the case of their dense contact with theedges of the bone defect (experimental group), the primary inflammatory-resorptive stage of reparative osteogenesis turned out to be more intense and prolongedin time with pronounced phenomena of osteoresorptionof the mother bone and volumetric periosteal reactionas a compensatory mechanism. At the same time, osteoid formation is formed around the implant, while thecontrol implants are partially resorbed and replaced byosteoid tissue. As a result, macromorphologically, experimental implants in compact bone are visualized upto the 42nd day, and in cancellous bone - up to the 30thday, while the control implants are covered with boneregenerate already on the 14th day, which in the lattercase indicates the presence of osseointegration processes. The histological picture in the case of experimentalimplants confirms the prolongation of the inflammatory-resorptive stage with the formation of cartilage-boneregenerate around them, i.e. the dense placement of theimplants causes biomechanical pressure on the walls ofthe bone defect with the development of a reaction inthem, primarily to a foreign body.The study of the effect on reparative osteogenesis of the osseointegration properties of the developednew individual and standard-sized bioactive ceramicimplants based on clinical-radiological, macromorphological and histomorphological justification is relevant,as it will make it possible to evaluate their advantagesin terms of consolidation of complex defective fractures of tubular bones and reduce the frequency of theircomplications in animals.
Key words: rabbits, bioceramics, reparative osteogenesis, bone defects.
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