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Complex biosecurity of modern type pig farm

Agricultural enterprises, including those operating in "closed" mode, are in constant exchange with the internal microflora, which is in the environment. Animal feed, veterinary products are imported to these enterprises and they export products of animal origin, animals. Staff and transport, due to production and other needs, move on the farm, and sometimes beyond. Livestock facilities may be attended by the experts not involved directly in the production process. In addition, personnel of the enterprise moves daily both within the enterprise and beyond.

Therefore, regulation and compliance measures of biosecurity for various agricultural enterprises that are in danger of spreading of infectious diseases become a topical problem.   In the biological shield is to be understood - the state of security of farm animals from the dangers caused or those that can be caused by various pathogens. Pig-breeding enterprises operate under very tight flowsheet. Animals constantly exposed to stress, increases resistance to disease pathogens of various disinfectants and antimicrobial agents. All this leads to growth, changing forms of old and new diseases. In this regard, the role of bio-sharp production, including the reduction of adverse microbial background within the enterprise and the prevention of infection from outside.

The results of the research found that death of pigs of different age groups from various causes in 2012 was significant and amounted to 81 cases. In our opinion, it  was  because  at this time pigs were still kept in poor conditions at the pig farm which used a traditional system of cultivation. The reasons animal deaths were many, including deaths occurred of  infectious diseases. Thus the results of section of 81 dead animals infectious diseases caused death in 9 cases, including: dysentery -3 haemophilosis polyserositis - 4, edema disease -1, erysipelas - 1. That is, the old technologies of pig husbandry place obstacles to create adequate biosecurity of pig farm. As a result cases of infectious diseases are recorded in the farm despite the implementation of appropriate preventive veterinary and sanitary measures.

The introduction of modern innovative technologies in pig husbandry dramatically increases biosecurity of pig farms. In our case, by 2013, for various reasons at the pig farm died only 14 pigs, of which only 1 case of infectious origin (haemophilosis polyserositis).

On the basis of the investigation, we believe that the basis for such a program should be based on the following key preventive measures:

- beforehand praparation of pig premises for the introduction of a technological group of animals. It should be based on mechanical cleaning, remove residual organic dirt with advanced technology, disinfection of the premises with modern disinfectants and preparation of system of watering animals;

- еnsuring proper sanitary hygienic status of the pig farm as a whole. The implementation of this status should be made towards health facilities, feed, water, personnel and animals, and performing veterinary treatments;

- іmpossibility of infection from the outside, which should include the handling of vehicles, construction of sanitary inspection rooms, carrying out disinfestations;       

 - еpizootic monitoring of infectious disease of pigs, which aims to prevent the entry of pathogens of any infectious diseases in the economy with imported, purchased livestock.

On the basis of these studies it must be concluded that only the introduction of stringent rules on the regulation mode of the people, machines, development and implementation of preventive measures to prevent the entry of infectious agents into the territory of livestock farms can ensure biosecurity of  pig  farm of modern industrial type.

Key words: biosecurity, pig farm  of modern type, constituting аntiepizootic protection, infection, hygienic status of programs for integrated biosecurity.

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