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The content of total protein and its fractions in blood serum of young quails in the incubation eggs solution akvahelatae selenium

It is known that proteins are structural and functional basis of a living body; they are the major components of cells and have many physico-chemical and biological properties. Why change the quantitative composition of proteins in the blood is an important and universal index of functional state of organism. Our research found that the solution to akvahelatae selenium affects the content of total protein and its fractions in blood serum of research birds depending on the dose.

The content of protein in the serum one-day age quail in the second group, was 2,8 % more in comparison with the control (p<0,01), but this increase was within the physiological norm (30–60 g/l). This indicates that the dose aquaculture solution selenium 0,05 mg/kg probably demonstrates a positive effect, stimulating metabolic processes in the body of the bird. In the third group the content of protein in the serum was by 6,5 % lower (p<0,05) compared with the control group. One may assume that the dose aquaculture solution selenium 0,1 mcg/kg causes a decrease in the synthesis of protein in the body. In the first group of indicators total protein content in the blood serum, and only had a tendency to increase in comparison with the control group.

In quail before five day age increased the total protein content in blood serum in the second group by 20,0 % compared with control (p<0,001). This testifies to the growth of intensity of protein metabolism in the body birds due to increasing activity of links protein system in the liver and other organs. In the first group, the content of total protein in serum compared with control had no reliable difference. In the third experimental group, this index decreased by 7,0 % in comparison with the control group (p < 0,05), which is probably characterizes the decrease in the activity of protein system in the liver.

A characteristic change of protein fractions in blood serum of the quail is reduced depending on the age of the content of albumin and increased globulins. So, in quail one-day age concentration of albumin and alpha-globulins in the blood serum of the experimental groups were not significant difference compared with control and was within norm. In quail of research groups at the age of five days is also not noted significant difference in the concentration of albumin and alpha-globulins, compared with control. Changes of these indicators in the quails the control and experimental groups in comparison with the previous survey period can be explained by the gradual transition of power youngsters from the yolk, on nutrients.

The content of β-globulin in the blood serum of the experimental groups quails of one-day age was significantly different. In the first group observed a tendency of increase of their level, in comparison with the control group. In the second group noted the likely growth of level β-globulin in the blood serum at 3,06 % compared with controls (p<0,05), which probably indicates their active synthesis in the liver. In the third group, the concentration of β-globulin was 2,45 % less in comparison with the control group, indicating a reduction of their synthesis (p<0,01).

On the fifth day at quail research groups, we found that the increase of content of b-globulin in the second group by 2,48 %, compared to control, that testifies to strengthening of protein metabolism in the tissues under the influence of chelate compounds selenium. In quail from first group the content of β-globulin in the blood serum, and was at a level of control, and in the third group the content of β-globulin in the blood serum of quail on 1,6 % less, than in the control that shows negative impact aquaculture solution of selenium in the dosage of 7,5 mg/kg

Fraction γ-globulin contains the bulk of antibodies (immunoglobulin’s), which provide humoral protection of the organism. Our research found that in the first group one-day young quails, content γ-globulin in the blood serum of birds was almost level with the control group. In the second group this indicator was significantly longer at 3,75 %, than in the control, which is evidence of the positive influence of a solution to akvahelatae selenium on the synthesis γ-globulin. In the third experimental group content γ-globulin was 1,28 % less in comparison with the control group, probably characterizes the negative impact of this solution on the formation of proteins and in particular the synthesis γ-globulin. In five-one age in young quail’s indicators content γ-globulins in the blood serum were higher in all groups compared with the previous research. However, in the second group content γ-globulins in the blood serum of young animals was 10,06 % more, than in control due to the formation of specific and non-specific immune gamma-globulins.

Key word: young quails, incubation processing, the solution akvahelatae selenium, serum, protein, protein fraction.

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