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Decreasing of negative Cadmium and Lead compounds influence on functional condition of liver

Ukrainian territory has a big environmental pollution and changing the landscape by many reasons. The 1 % of earth’s population has a 5 % of total contamination by industrial polutantion.

The aim of estimations is to learn functional condition of liver and kidney of ewes one of the agracultural enterprises of Lutugino district Lugansk Region and possibility of its correction.

All estimations made in educational-scientific-agrarian complex «Kolos» Lugansk NAU in Lugansk region. For treatment of ewes we use such medicines as 10 % sollution of glucose, as energetic material in dose 200 ml, E-selen medicine of antioxidal action to restore hepatocytes function 1 ml, Introvit is the coplex vitamin medicine 2 ml, Minerol is the medicine on ceolyte basis, that use as a mineral supplement 5 g. In serum blood of estimated animals we determine content of total protein, its fractions, activity of AsAT and AlAT, GGTP.

Soils of Lutugino district Lugansk region are characterized by average content of Copper (6,1 mg/kg), Manganese (403 mg/kg) and increasing level of Zinc (12,2 mg/kg). In this district we found high level contamination teritory by Lead and Cadmium on 8,0 and
10,7 % accordingly higher of maximum allowable level (10,0 and 0,7 mg/kg). Average concentration in soil of these elements is 8,1 and 0,46 mg/kg.

The feeding ratio of estimated animals consists of lucern hay 2,0 kg, Sudan grass hay 0,5 kg, oat middlings 0,3 kg. Roughage consists of 86,5 % of common energy ratio in mJ.

The forage of ratio have increasing level of raw and digestive protein (125,6 and 144,4 % of necessity) but lack of starch and sugar (135 and 89 g under necessity of 320 and 125 g).

Content of raw protein in dry substance decreased to 13,3 % against 15,6 %, when concentration of digestive protein didn’t change 9,8 against 10,0 %. Content of cellulose in 1 kg of dry substance was increasing 32,3 %.

Correlation between sugar and digestive protein and sugar with starch and digestive protein in ratio feeding of ewes is decrease, according to nominative parameters.

It has been found by clinical estimations of sheep, that changes in condition of animals, liver and kidney didn’t found before and after treatment.

Estimations of protein metabolism show hypoproteinemia in 90,9 % of animals in the beginning of treatment on the level 63,1±0,58 g/l. Particularity of protein metabolism in this period were hypoalbuminemia in 90,1 % of chances (34,2±1,3 %, less than nominative 40 %), hyperbeta- and hypergammaglobulinemia (15,4±1,04 and 36,5±1,85 %). Increasing level of beta-globulins more than 12,0 % we observed in 81,8 % of estimated animals, and gamma-globulins more than 35,0 % in 72,7 %.

Content of common protein after using of medicines significant (p<0,05) grows in 63,6 % of animals (66,0±1,05 g/l). It has been found increasing the level of albumins in 6,1 % (p<0,01). But using complex treatment forward significant (p<0,001) increasing level of beta-globulins (10,6±0,62 %) in 72,7 % of animals.

The level of gamma-globulins had a tendence for decreasing in average, according with beginning of estimations 33,8±1,5 %, but hypergammaglobulinemia leaves in 3 animals from 11.

The indexes of liver functional condition are activities of indicated enzymes. Most of the organism’s enzymes are located inside of the cells, that’s why increasing content and activity of enzymes affirm about cytolisys.

Complex treatment makes to improve the metabolism of liver cells, reduces the activity of alanine (p <0,001) and aspartic (p<0,05) aminotransferase. Increased GGT activity is one of the most sensitive indicator of liver enzymes to 102,4 ± 6,8 U/l was observed in all investigated animals. Under the influence of complex drugs happened probable reduction in the activity of the enzyme in 36,4% of sheep.

Alkaline phosphatase is a zinc content metal protein, that take part in mineral metabolism that decompose ether of ortophosphoric acid with formation of nonorganic phosphorus. This enzyme has the bone-liver-intestine origin.

In estimated sheep of Lutugino district after using of medicines complex observe sagnificant (p<0,01) decreasing activity of alkaline phosphatase (277,0±22,13 U/l), but its activity was on high level.

Using complex of medicines conduce to normalization of biochemical indexes of protein metabolism, activity of indicated enzymes, that affirm about improvement liver function in ewes, that keep on territory of industrial contaminated region.

Complex using of Minerol, vitamins and glucose concur increasing in serum blood of ewes with liver pathology level of common protein on 4,6 % on account of increasing content of albumen on 6,1 %, but part of beta- and gamma-globulins decreasing on 4,8 and
2,7 % each.

Activity of AsAT and AlAT decreasing on 34,1 and 58,5 % each, according to indexes before using complex of medicines, that concur about reconstruction structure of liver cells.

Using complex of microelements, vitamins and glucose decrease activity of serum GGTP of ewes with liver disfunction on 60,3 % and alkaline phosphatase on 29,4 % according to imprint datas.

Key words: soil contamination, ewes, serum blood, proteinogramm, enzymes, complex of vitamin-mineral substances.

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