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Determination of Bacillus anthracis sensitivity to antibiotics and antimicrobials
Anthrax is one of the oldest documented diseases of animals and humans. The disease is now a large number of outbreaks, endemia in many countries, the republics of the world (India, Russia, Ingushetia, Tanzania). Among animals, anthrax occurs continuously and recorded by the OIE and veterinary specialists.
In countries around the world for people and animals with the purpose of treatment using modern antibiotics. It is proved that the most active compounds are doxycycline and fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, levoflolksatsyn).
Several researchers demonstrate stability occurrence of pathogens to antibiotics (penicillin, amoksytsyklinu). In this regard, they point to the need to identify the causative agent of anthrax antibiotic sensitivity. Due to the fact that there is a slow growing strains of resistance, it is necessary to conduct periodic monitoring to determine the sensitivity of antibiotics and antimicrobials.
Given that the bacteria Bacillus anthracis (Bac. anthracis) susceptible to antimicrobial agents in varying degrees, there is a need to develop guidelines for the rational use of antibiotics and therefore prevent the development of microbial resistance to antibiotics.
Antibiotics that were created more than 60 years ago, the can cause serious complications. Free, uncontrolled access to antibiotics in pharmacies leads to wastage, which in turn reduces the resistance of microorganisms. In this regard, there is need for constant search for new antimicrobial agents, and this in turn leads to more economic cost. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the susceptibility of pathogens of especially dangerous diseases which include anthrax. This will lead to the rational application of antibacterial drugs in the treatment and prevention. Thus, determination of antibiotic susceptibility of strains of Bacillus anthracis is appropriate and relevant in unexplored issue of resistance.
Microbial suspension was studied microorganisms concentration 1 million. Microbial cells in 1 cm3. Immediately after application disks cup placed upside down in a thermostat and the temperature 37 oС cultured for 18–24 hours. For better diffusion of antibiotic agar bacteriological cup of disks kept at room temperature for 1.5 hours. Diameter zone growth delay of 15 mm microorganisms Bac. anthracis considered weakly sensitive to the antibiotic for areas in 15–24 mm – sensitive and more than 24 mm – highly sensitive.
When comparing the sizes of zones of growth retardation the sensitivity strain should be noted that strains № 1 and № 2 are not sensitive to metranidazol weakly sensitive to bacitracin and tsefyksym, № 3 – to tsefenim, nystatin, and tseforoksyn tsefyksym. In addition, № 1 strain is not sensitive to furazolidone, novobiotsyn, nystatin, metytsylyn, oxacillin and was slight performance of 8-drugs: vankkomitsyn, bacitracin, tsefepin, linezolid, tsefyksym, tsefalonin, clindamycin, lincomycin.
It should be noted that the strain № 2 slight only 5 drugs, bacitracin, cefepime, nystatin, tsefyksym, tseftazidin, while strain № 3 – only metranidazol with different concentrations of antibiotic in the disk.
Discovered only 46.51 % antibiotics, which revealed areas of stunted growth of more than 24 mm strain №1 (oleandomycin, metytsylyn, metronidazole) to 44.19 % – in strains № 2 and № 3 (oleandomycin, metytsylyn, metronidazole, spiramycin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, tetracycline). Areas of sensitivity to antibiotics accounted for 16.28 15–24 mm, and in 41.86 % of strains № 1–3. Up to 15 mm discovered a strain on № 1 37.21 and 13.95 % – № 2–3. Bacillus anthracis not sensitive to all antibiotics. It is necessary to note the major areas of stunted growth strains № 1–3 30–35 mm to norfloxacin, Ampiclin/Sulbactum, and tetracycline.
Antibiotics should only be used if necessary. Strains are highly Bacillus anthracis (the largest area of growth retardation) mainly to nofloksatsyn (Of5), Ampiclin/Sulbactum (A/S10/10) and tetracycline (TE30). Not affect the growth of antibiotics: metronidazol MT4 and MT5 (only strain № 3 zone growth retardation only 9 and 8 mm) and nystatin NS100U (only strain
№ 2 zone growth retardation – 9 mm). When you select strain of Bac. anthracis be sure to study its sensitivity to antibiotics for subsequent treatment or prevention.
Key words: anthrax, Bacillus anthracis, sensitivity, stability, antibiotics.
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