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New methods of treatment of cows with ovarian hypoplasia. Established that the combined treatment of cows with ovarian hypoplasia provides recovery of sexual recurrence in 26.0 - 90.0% of the animals and fertility 11,1-66,6%. The best treatment efficacy cows was after vnutrishnoyayechnykovoho folihonu administration at a dose of 100 IU, sexual recurrence was found in 90.0% of cows for high fertility level (66.6%), significantly lower (p <0.001) higher compared to the control group. While increasing the dose vnutrishnoyayechnykovoho introduction folihonu 200 IU reduces fertility rates by 55.5% (p <0.01) compared with a dose of 100 IU.
Keywords: ovarian hypoplasia, treatment, cows.
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