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The effectiveness of the comprehensive preventive measures for gastroenteral pathology in calves

The article shows that the use of probiotic Bovitox and feed phytoadditives Gastroacid prevents the incidence of calves 
in gastroenteral pathology in 60 % of animals, others contributed less severe diarrhoeal syndrome. Under the effect of the 
proposed scheme of the prophylaxis of gastrointestinal diseases in calves improves hematologic status as evidenced by increased total protein 14 %, total calcium 13,47 %, biochemical composition and immune reactivity, this is indicated by the 
growth  lsike  and  bactericidal  activity  of  blood  also  improves  cellular  immunity,  as  indicated  by  the  increase  of 
T-lymphocytes 37 %, lymphocytes 30 %, it is confirmed by the fact that the composition of Gastroacid includes the follow-
ing plants: belladonna medicinal, mint water, Hypericum ordinary, locust, coriander seed, licorice, the small centaury, pine, 
which contain biologically active substances, essential oils, ascorbic acid, tannins, carotenoids, tripartite(mostly oleanolova 
acid), fatty oil, and micro-, macro-elements (manganese, copper, iron, zinc, potassium, sodium, etc.)  
Key words: gastrointestinal disorders, feed phytoadditives Gastroacid, probiotic Bovitox, physiological condition, safe-
ty, General resistance.  

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