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The aim of the research was to study the dependence of the severity on the degree of endogenous intoxication and the effectiveness of complex treatment of calves using sodium thiosulfate-based drugs for gastrointestinal diseases. Studies were carried out under production conditions in cattle farms of the Vitebsk, Liozno and Gorodok districts. As preparations based on sodium thiosulfate, the veterinary drug "Averon" produced by LLC Belekotekhnika RB and the veterinary preparation Antitox manufactured by ImmCont GmbH, Germany, were used. These drugs as an antitoxic agent, were administered once a day, intravenously, slowly at a dose of 25 ml, until the clinical signs of the disease disappeared in addition to the basic treatment taken in the farms with gastrointestinal diseases.

The data obtained as a result of the analysis of the literature and the conduct of our own research showed that in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal diseases of the calves, the link to the pathogenesis, which significantly determines the severity of their course and prognosis, is endogenous intoxication. It was found that in patients with calves, the MW content was higher at the height of the disease – 1.75–2 times with moderate severity and 1.94 and 2.47 times with severe. Laboratory criteria were established for predicting the severity of dyspepsia and abomasoenteritis in calves of 14 to 30 days of age. So, at a level higher than 0,120 conv. units in 100% of such calves, dyspepsia or gastroenteritis proceeded in a severe (toxic) form. The significant direct correlations between the concentration of MWS and LPO products (r ≥ 0.650) revealed at the height of the disease indicate the significance of LPO as a source in the development of endotoxication in gastrointestinal diseases in calves. It has been established that the use of drugs with antitoxic action based on sodium thiosulphate in the complex therapy of calves of patients with dyspepsia and abomasoenteritis can reduce the severity and lethality of calves with dyspepsia by 5% to 10%.

Key words: calves, blood, endogenous intoxication, abomazoenteritis, dyspepsia, therapeutic efficacy, treatment.


doi: 10.33245/2310-4902-2019-149-1-95-101

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