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Epizootic situation and peculiarity the course nematodes of the digestive canal of sheep of the in the conditions of economies Kyev region
Nematodoses of the sheep’s digestive tract is distributed both in Ukraine and abroad. Pathogens of these diseases in the form of monoinvasions, as well as associative with other invasive diseases, cause sheep farms considerable economic losses. Systematic monitoring studies that are carried out to establish a helminthofauna specific to a particular region are a key to successful control of parasitic diseases. Information on the species composition of pathogens causing invasive diseases in animals in the territory of a certain region, allows us to conduct scientifically based selection of drugs and to conduct effective, cost-based treatment and prevention measures. Therefore, the purpose of our research was to establish the distribution of nematodoses of the digestive canal of sheep and their peculiarities in the conditions of sheep farms in the territory of the Kyiv region (Central region of Ukraine). The research was conducted in conditions of sheep farms in the Kyiv region (Baryshivka, Bila Tserkva, Zghurivka, Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Skvyra, Tarashcha, Fastiv and Yahotyn districts). Helminthoscopy of fecal samples was performed using the McMaster’s method. As a result of scatoscopy diagnostics of sheep, a considerable distribution of nematodoses of the digestive canal was established on the territory of the Kyiv region (the severity of the invasion was 48.79 %). According to the morphological features of eggs isolated from faeces of sick animals, parasitization of nematodes from three sequences was established: Strongylata (38.98 %), Trichocephalata (33.36 %), and Rhabditata (27.66 %). It was registered that the sheep farming of the Bila Tserkva, Yahotyn and Zghurivka districts (EI – 61.49, 59.73 and 54.17 % respectively) were the most unfavorable for nematodoses of the digestive tract. The disease was registered in the form of both mono- and mixinvasions. The associative course of diseases (75.03 % of the total number of diseased animals) was dominant with two-, three-, four-, and five-component associations of sheep parasite pathogens (47.63, 35.47, 11.50 and 5.40 % in accordance). It has been established that nematodoses of the digestive canal of sheep (strongylates of the digestive canal, strongyloides and trichiuruses) are in the composition of mixinvasions, the sympathizers of which are: eimeries, moniezies, and melofagoses in various combinations.
Key words: nematodoses, strongylatoses of the digestive canal, trichiuruses, strongyloides, scatoscopy research.
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