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Etiology and clinical manifestations of oral neoplasia in dogs

The results of own research about the etiology and clinical forms of manifestations of neoplasia’s of the oral cavity organs in dogs are presented. The information is presented in respect to etiological factors, which are factors of tumor’s. Basic moment’s data on the relationship between the location of the tumor in the oral cavity and its form. The main clinical signs of neoplasia of the oral cavity organs in dogs are presented.

The material of the study were 10 dogs (9 males and 1 female) between the ages of 9 months up to 14 years of different breeds, whith neoplasms dentoalveolar apparatus. For each animal was opened clinical examination card, where the information about the breed, age, conditions of management, physical exercise, type of feeding, carry-forward of the disease is stored. The diagnosis of neoplasia was carried out using conventional methods (inspection, palpation) and special (X-ray, hematology and morphologic) studies. Halitosis, hypersalivation, dental calculus have been in dogs with malignant tumor growth. Three dogs with benign tumors had inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. In 2 of them the dogs had chronic catarrhal gingivitis in the area of I–II molar in the upper jaw and II–III premolar in the lower jaw. One dog had generalized chronic catarrhal gingivitis on the upper jaw.

Among of experimental animals were kept on a mixed (3), dry food (1) and natural diets (6), among 4 dogs received the bones of birds and cows. Four dogs had a loose habitus (Berner senennhund, English bulldog, Rottweiler, Staffordshire Bull Terrier) and dry habitus (German shepherd, shepherd dog, Siberian Husky, mixed breed Cocker spaniel, and 2 dogs without breed). During the inspection of the oral cavity was observed the growth of tumors of the gums 8 out of 10 animals (80 %), and 2 patients (20 %) dogs tumors were located on the mucous membranes of the lips and cheeks. Five animals were observed multiple (2–4 units) of tumors with a size of 2–3 cm, which had several locations (canines, premolars, molars) in the remaining 5 dogs were recorded one tumor. Analysis of the localization of tumors of the dentoalveolar shows that in the upper jaw, there were 7 cases of tumors and the bottom 3 (7:3). Reported 6 cases, where the tumors were located in the area of incisors and canines on the upper and lower jaws, including: 1 malignant tumor (soft fibroma) and 5 benign (fibroma with ossification, fibromatousepulis, fibroma, 2 cases of papilloma), and in aborally direction was recorded in 4 tumors, including malignant 2 (acantomatous epulis, osteosarcoma) and 2 benign (papilloma, fibroma). The defeat of both jaws were recorded in the development of malignant tumors in 2 of 3 animals. In one case the tumor site was the upper jaw, section I–II molars and lower jaw, canine section and I–II premolars. In the second case, the tumor with a necrotic center located in the I–III premolars and four isolated tumors, with a side at 1–3 cm, were registered on both jaws in the areas of canines, II–III premolars and I molars. In the third case with malignant tumor, location of neoplasia were only two parts of the upper jaw, the area of incisors, canines and I–III premolar. Tumors have been of tuberous form, were hyperemic and had a necrotic center. In two cases, tumors have observed within the tooth of motility. Also, with the help of X-ray examination determined the place of localization of the tumor and bone status.

A very different picture was observed in dogs with benign tumors. Benign tumors have a smooth surface, clear boundaries; the color did not differ from surrounding tissues. In 3 cases, tumors had a short leg which took the start from the neck of the tooth. In 2 other cases, the tumor looked like a "fungus" and was on the buccal mucosa or lips. One animal that had a benign tumor, was registered diffuse overgrowth gingival of tissue around the teeth. Radiography of tumor tissues shows the destructive processes.

Our research suggests that animals at risk of destruction by neoplasia of the oral cavity organs aged 1 to 14 years. More common in males. The occurrence of tumors may be associated with irritation of the gums by odontogenne deposits (dental calculus), inflammation of the oral cavity, in particular, gingivitis, giperplasticskie processes in the gums. Animals with a dry type of constitution had neoplasia in 60 %, of which 20 % were malignant. There are 2 dogs that received in the form of food bones, watched, gingivitis and malignant tumor growth. There is a dependence of kind of the tumor on its location in the oral cavity. Most is amazed maxilla. Malignant tumors are localized in the aboral part of the jaw.

Key words: neoplasia, card of examination, the oral cavity organs, malignancy, localization, dentoalveolar apparatus.

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