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Features of the specific prevention gumboro disease in broiler chickens of Cobb-500 cross
The optimal timing of vaccination and a certain level of protective antibodies IBD that provides an effective vaccination and ensures stable epizootic situation and warns of possible economic losses from death and disease of poultry.
Poultry is the most dynamic sector of agriculture in Ukraine, which could in the short term to increase the volume of production and provide the population with high-quality dietary products - meat and eggs of birds. Gumboro disease spread mainly in poultry farms of industrial type. [1, 6]
Vaccination is the most important element of prevention measures IBD. Use of vaccines involves consideration levels of maternal derived antibodies (MDA). Accounting for MDA conducted using different serological tests, including ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays). These methods are used to assess stress immunity in vaccinated poultry epizootic monitoring and retrospective diagnosis of infectious bursal disease (IBD, Gumboro). [5]
In recent years, it was accumulated extensive experience in dealing with the morbidity of poultry on infectious bursal disease in Ukraine. During this time, legal documents for the diagnosis and prevention IB were developed and implemented in practice, including the rules in keeping livestock and poultry farms. Foreign registered vaccines have been successfully used for the prevention of Gumboro disease. [1]
The main aim of our research was to study the characteristics of specific prevention Gumboro disease (infectious bursal disease ), establish the interaction between the level of antibodies in chicken parent stock and the level of maternal antibodies in young broilers, establish the optimal timing of vaccination in poultry farm conditions PVKSP "Agrocapital", determine the level of IBD protection antibodies.
Material and methods of research. Material to research served as poultry parent stock cross Cobb-500, the final hybrid cross Cobb-500 (broilers), which was obtained from the parent’s stock birds.
After determining the levels of MDA, using the method and computer program Deventer Biochek determined date of vaccination of broilers. In the study of parent stock for the titles against IBD used ELISA was found that chicken parent stock formed 100% protective immune background. Average titer antibodies in poultry IBD age 211 days was 7115, and the birds under 316-day antibody titre was 6062, indicating a gradual decrease in antibody IBD with age. In the studied birds decreased antibody titers against IBD 14.8%, but this reduction does not lead to infection because titles are within the protective provisions.
MDA rate in young broilers derived from parent flocks aged 211 days was slightly higher than that of the parent flock age 316 days.
The date of vaccination of young chickens against IBD calculated accurately, which is very important given the fact that vaccination is carried out in an earlier date will result in the neutralization of vaccine virus maternal antibodies, and thus will not take chickens cellular and humoral immunity. This can lead to infection of poultry pathogen of IBD and outbreaks of disease.
The level of protective antibodies to IBD after the vaccine was determined by ELISA.
Calculating the date of vaccination was providing by Deventer formula was consignment of broilers high levels of protective antibodies, which allowed grow healthy bird.
Key words: Gumboro disease, specific prevention, vaccination, the Deventer formula.
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