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Improvement of diagnostics and treatment of a peptic ulcer of horses stomach
Gastric ulcer in horses is a complex and multifactorial disease, the symptoms of which depend on the activity and location of ulceration, concomitant pathological processes. The spread of ulcerative lesions of the stomach is from 25 to 51 % in foals and from 60 to 90 % in adult horses. The disease significantly reduces the working capacity of animals, slows the growth and development of young animals, is the cause of premature culling of horses and causes great damage to horse breeding.
The aim of the studies was to improve the diagnosis of stomach ulcers in young horses and assess the effectiveness of omeprazole in various dosage forms.
Under horse breeding conditions, 57 horses aged 1 to 3 years were subjected to a clinical study according to the generally accepted plan. During the examination, attention was paid to the horse's behavior, body position, appetite, the condition of the lips and mucous membrane of the mouth cavity, and also to protrusion of the abdominal wall to the left. Since palpation to examine the stomach in healthy adult horses is impossible, then special attention was paid to gastralgia. If it is present, the animals are worried if they are pressed the fingers together in the area from the 5th to the 10th intercostal space on the left and right at the level of the shoulder joint or squeeze the skin on the back slope of the withers. Percussion of the stomach in the horse was conducted to the left in the 14–15–16 intercostal space along the line of the malloc.
A gastric ulcer for horse is diagnosed for 31.6 % animals. For patients a mucous membrane oedematous is with a yellow tint, in stomachalgia is marked, grey raid, in blood increases in 1.7 time concentration of pepsinogen.
In a laboratory study of blood, it was found that the number of leukocytes in animals that received both Omeprazole and Gastrogard decreased somewhat in the dynamics of treatment. The leukogram underwent a change. Thus, neutrophilia in sick animals was replaced by lymphocytosis, which indicates that the inflammatory process in the body exists and proceeds chronically. In young animals of the control group, the lymphocyte count was 13 % higher than in animals treated with omeprazole.
The level of total protein in sick animals was reduced and was at the level of the minormorm. This condition is associated, most likely, with the existing digestive disturbances in the stomach. In favor of this statement is the fact that once the animals were treated and the symptoms of the lesion of the gastric mucosa disappeared, the total protein level increased by 8.6 % in the experimental group and by 2.2 % in the control group. In this case, the increase in serum protein concentration was due to albumins, the content of which increased by almost the same values as the total protein. Considering the fact that albumins perform a number of vital functions for the body (direct maintenance of the osmotic pressure of the plasma, storage of many amino acids, transport of various substances), then an increase in their concentration indicates a normalization of metabolism.
The greatest changes in the treatment of horses underwent the content of pepsinogen in the blood serum. When omeprazole was used, its level decreased from 165.5±12.90 to 57.8±7.54 μg/l or almost 2.9 times. Using Gastrogard in the control group gave almost the same effect – the content of pepsinogen in the blood decreased by 2.4 times.
Application of Omeprasol in form of powder and as paste in complex therapy of horse at a gastric ulcer is effective. The symptoms of ulcerous defeats of mucous membrane of stomach at the use of powder of Omeprasol disappear during 8–10 days, maintenance of leucocytes goes down, a relative lymphocytosis is marked, increases on a 8.6 % amount of general albumen due to the increase of albumen faction, in 2.9 time the level of pepsinogen diminishes in blood.
The use for treatment of patient with gastritis horse of Gastrogard results in clinical recovery of animals during 10-twenty-four hours, the illnesses changed at the beginning the indexes of blood have tendency to normalization. Economic efficiency of chart of treatment of patients ulcerous gastritis of horse with the use of powder of Omeprasol in 2.3 times is greater, than at the use of Gastrogard, that it is constrained with heavy tolls business hours on curative measures.
Key words: horse, gastric, diagnostician ulcer, treatment, Omeprasol, Gastrogard, efficiency.
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