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Improvement of the method of processing animal bones in the production of educational and museum exhibits

The method of processing the bones of domestic and wild animals has been improved and maximally adapted to domestic conditions. The work was carried out on the basis of the laboratory of taxidermy and museum affairs of the department of anatomy and histology named after Р. Kowalskiy Bilа Tserkva National Agrarian University. The aim of the work was the practical application of the improved method of processing the bones of domestic and wild animals for the production of museum exhibits and educational materials. For the treatment and degreasing of bones, Pervol and Gala washing powders with a whitening effect and Fairy brand dishwashing detergents used as surfactants. Precursor-free chemical paint solvents 646, 647, 650 and White Spirit have proven themselves well as solvents for intraosseous fat. At the stage of preparation and cleaning of the bones from the muscles, they were subjected to maceration in water at room temperature for 7-10 days. Degreasing of bones in solvents lasted up to 1.5 months with daily visual control and mixing. Visual control have carried out by illuminating the bones with lamps with bright light. 60% perhydrol diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4 was used as a bleaching agent. As a result of comparative testing of various means, it was established that it is better to use deep penetration soil "Artisan No. 7" with exposure of bones in it for up to 7 days as a fxing preparation. It should be noted that chemical treatment of bones using household detergents and technical solvents is quite effective and affordable, although it takes a long time. The proposed method makes it possible to produce high-quality, visually aesthetic and tactilely pleasant, absolutely odorless, uniformly white educational preparations and museum exhibits of bones with minimal fnancial costs and technical equipment.

Key words: domestic, wild animals, skeleton bones odorless, solvent.

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