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The incorporation of environmental and epizootic factors of ensuring the land strateging of recreational areas
One of the basic conditions for sustainable development subdivisions are economical and environmentally justified and legal regulation of fixed criteria of areas, one of which is consideration of anthropogenic factors of animals. Complex of natural and focal infections in each separate area is heterogeneous by biocenotical heterogeneous in their relations pathogens that cause the need to form their distinctive eco-community circulation. Specificity of them is defined "ecotype" center.
The most important feature of cells is caused by different ecotypes specific of major carriers of pathogens that result in adaptive changes and fixes factor to infectious parasites in the body of a particular species – the owner.
Each cell, depending on the surface area where there are homogeneous optimal conditions for the existence of the local subpopulation of the pathogen, has its limits in time and space. Exit or passing outside the cell of pathogen often leads to its elimination or requires a new adaptation of strain. If the distribution of landscape and specific characteristics of the cell area of the surrounding area, there are conditions for its irradiation and expansion of the range of the parasite. Under these conditions the pathogens that are circulating in a given cell, almost instantly are becoming commonplace in the neighborhood. The absence or elimination of optimizing conditions in certain parts of the cell (reclamation work, deforestation, plowing, etc.) lead to the opposite cell localization. In such cases, it is observed such phenomenon as "ripple" of cells with positive and negative character.
In this context, special attention shall be to greening problem of areas in view of the above problems.
The article analyzes recreational areas with regard to Ukraine epizootic and epidemic potential.
Despite the small percentage of recreational land in the total land fund and need for their protection in these areas is concentrated the largest number of homeless animals, appropriate land is a place of walking pets. Processes of coordinated development of environment and animals are not normalized, there are no legislated conditions for use, cleaning and care of animals in places of public use.
In the article the system of principles, criteria and features of greening the recreational areas is researched. Taking into account these principles, criteria and features a recreational land use practices will ensure the effective management decisions of living organisms and the environment.
Studies in recent decades have shown persistence theeryzipeloyid infection in soil that is more known as swine erysipelas. Clinical manifestation of erysipelas in animals and humans is known since the Middle Ages, but it is usually taken for individual stages of other diseases such as noninfectious arthritis, anthrax, plague and others.
Results of generalized analysis of the region on the total level of display of erysipelas provided an opportunity to establish some patterns. Almost half of all cases of erysipelas registration of domestic animals (pigs), and synanthropic rodents and in humans is fixed in areas, which total area is 11.7 % of the region. In landscape and biotopical terms this area is clearly "related" with areas of river valleys, almost not subject to significant anthropogenic transformation. Accordingly, these areas are exploited as pastures and recreational areas where there are dense populations of small rodents and waterfowls.
In some parts of the territory of a cell stages and the speed of circulation of infect is significantly different, causing the spatial heterogeneity of epizootic process and directly determines the different in epidemiological importance of these areas. Uneven flow phase stages epizootic process is provided by a number of external factors (local density, ethological aspects etc.) and specific of pathogen (genetic heterogeneity dominant strain of its desire to reservations, etc.).
The article shows that strateging of recreational land is a powerful factor in the area development, that is why the state of the respective areas are an integral part of further knowledge and existence of living organisms. Based on scientific systematization of researches in respective areas the need of greening process taking into account the complexity of land use was defined in order to ensure balanced development of recreational land.
The environmental factor determines effectiveness of updating research in the development of recreational land use on the basis of greening. Besides the existing of recreational opportunities in recent years dramatically reduced. Diagnostics of the country's land indicates an extremely small fraction of recreational areas. The structure of these built-up land area is occupied by only 1 %.
It was determined that one of the important principles, criteria and features recreational land use in practice is consideration of ecological and epizootic factors to prevent the spread of pathogens zoonotic diseases.
Considering the adaptive changes of pathogen in natural species caused by major carriers and the fact that infectious agents are prone to antigenic changes, the main condition of strateging the recreational areas is constant monitoring of studies on preventing outbreaks of zoonotic diseases.
Key words: ecological and epizootic factors, recreational area, land strateging, greening, erysipelas.
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