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Indicators of erythrocytopoezes in dog under parvovirus entity
Introduction. In the general pathology of the dogs, enterovirus infections of the puppies occupy a leading place, and a particular concern is caused by diseases of mixed etiology that go beyond the typical manifestation of clinical signs. Viral diseases of domestic dogs in urban settings are extremely common especially parvovirus enteritis which can lead to 100% death.
The purpose of the work. The purpose of this work was to study the indicators of erythrocytopopse in dogs for parvoviral enteritis.
Material and methods. The work was carried out at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Zhytomyr National Agroecological University (ZNAEU), as well as in the veterinary clinics of the city of Zhytomyr Berdychiv and Kiev from 2013 to 2016 in breeding and non-breeding dogs. The studies on confirming the diagnosis of viral enteritis were carried out using rapid tests VetExpert CPV- Ag and in the veterinary laboratory using ELISA.
Hematologic and biochemical studies were carried out in a manual mode and by means of a biochemical analyzer BioChem SA using reagents from the company High Technology, Inc. (USA).
Where analyzed in blood amount of hemoglobin, hematocrit, speed of erythrocyte sedimentation by electronic-automatic method. Based on the results obtained, the indices of red blood – the content of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte (MCH), the average concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocyte (MCHC) and the average amount of red blood cells (MCV) – were calculated. In serum blood detected common protein by biuretic method, urea by fermentation method, creatinine by Jaffe method. Activity of Asparagine and Alanine aminotranpedase (AsAT and AlAT) by method of Reitmann-Frenkel, alkaline phosphatase be kinetic method.
Results of research and discussion. In 2013–2016 were found and confirmed diagnosis parvovirus enteritis in 288 dogs. It was set that sick animals had low quantity of RBC because of inflectional agent that provides hemolysis of erythrocytes.
It was set hypoproteinemia (47,6±0,7 g/L) in serum blood of sick animals. An increase in the coefficient of de Rittis was found to be 1.86 ± 0.4 IU/L and the activity of AsAT 61.4 ± 3.90 IU/L. Creatinine in sick dogs was 49.9 ± 3.00 mkmol/L.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. In parvovirus enteritis, there is a complex pathogenesis characterized by 10% erythropenia, a decrease in the hematocrit size by 2.5%, a slight increase in the hemoglobin content in one erythrocyte by 5%, and the liver is also affected by dogs, as shown by a decrease in the total protein level by 7% %, albumins by 35%, and a violation of the cardiovascular system, indicating an increase in the de Rhithis factor by 7% and the activity of the AsAT by 12%.
Key words: canine parvoviridae, blood, erythrocytopoiesis, stabilized blood, blood serum
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