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Influence zearalenone on metabolism protein index with prolonged intake in chickens organism
The purpose of the conducted researches was to define the changes of biochemical indexes of whey of blood on condition of the protracted receipt of zearalenonu to the organism of chickens. This paper presents data on changes in indices of protein metabolism under the influence of zearalenone .
For the purpose of the experiment was set up four groups of chicks : three experimental and one control to 15 goals each. Chickens first experimental group received for 30 days in addition to the basic diet zearalenone in a dose of 0.5 mg / kg of feed , second and third - 1.0 and 2.0 mg / kg of feed , respectively. Poultry fourth group was the control , receiving basic diet without adding mycotoxin . In the experiment conducted surveillance on the clinical condition of the bird. On the 7 th , 14 th , 30 th day of feeding zearalenone birds were weighed , then spent decapitation of chickens after previous light chloroform anesthesia , in five chapters with each group. Then, blood samples were take for determination of biochemical parameters.
In the blood plasma were determine biochemical parameters : including the contents of total protein , albumin , protein fractions, immunoglobulins, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase activity .
Analyzing the results of biochemical studies of serum we found out that the level of total protein was increased in the blood of chickens research groups throughout the period of the experiment . In the blood of chickens treated with 2.0 mg zearalenone in addition to 1 kg basic diet observed the greatest increase of this index relative to the control . So, on the seventh day of the experiment increase amounted to 42.2 %, the fourteenth and thirtieth day - 21.4 % and 8.9 % respectively.
During the experiment, marked changes in the level of albumin in the blood of chickens research groups have been identified , however the analysis of the globulin proteyinohramy on the seventh day been identified marked increase of α- globulins and γ- globulins. The level of α- globulin on the fourteenth day of the experiment fell to the benchmark , and on the thirtieth day - slightly reduced relative to controls. The level of γ- globulin in the blood of chickens two and three experimental groups significantly exceeded the benchmark on the fourteenth and thirtieth day the experiment . The content of β- globulin during the experiment had no significant changes compared with the control.
Content analysis hamahlobuliniv in the serum of chickens suggests that increased hamahlobuliniv was due to immunoglobulin M (Ig-M). On the seventh day of the experiment in the first of the experimental group was higher than the control by 63.1 % in the second group - by 69.5 % , and the third - by 70.5 %. On the fourteenth day of the experiment excess of Ig- M in the first group constituted 73% of the control, the second and the third - 78% and 81 % respectively. Determining the level of Ig-M after thirty days from the beginning of the experiment , found that in chickens the first group , this figure was increased by 55 %, while in chickens the second and third groups, the difference with the control was 58.3 %.
Probable increase in activity of aspartate aminotransferase ( AST ) levels in broiler research groups observed on the seventh day of the experiment , the activity of AST was increased gradually over time. The level of activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT ) on the seventh day of receipt to zearalenone body chicks did not differ significantly from the benchmark . On the fourteenth day of the experiment increased ALT activity in chickens of the second and third groups at 46.1 % and 30.1 %, respectively , staying slightly increased in the first group .
Determination of live weight of birds at the end of the experiment revealed that in chickens the first experimental group gain was 117.9 % of the weight at the beginning of the experiment . In the second group of chickens treated with 1.0 mg / kg zearalenone to the basic diet , increase in body weight was 68.93 %. The lowest growth rate was observed in the third group of chicks , where the figure was 45.46 %. Chickens in the control group increased their initial weight at 215.4 %.
On the basis of the conducted researches it is possible to do the followings conclusions: 1. Admission zearalenone for 30 days to the body of chickens at doses of 0.5 ; 1.0 ; 2.0 mg / kg of feed without causing clinical manifestations of toxicity.
2. Zearalenone prolonged income leads to an increase in total serum protein : maximum ( by 42.2 %) - in chickens treated with zearalenone at a dose of 2.0 mg / kg of feed. Albuminosis develops due to increase in the content of globulin fraction , particularly Ig M.
3. Increased activity of ALT and AST indicates toxic effects of zearalenone on the liver, which shows a violation of the permeability of the cell membrane of hepatocytes.
4. Additions to zearalenone chicks body leads to lower rates of weight gain. The smallest increase ( 45.5 % of body weight at the beginning of the experiment ) was registered when receiving zearalenone at a dose of 2.0 mg / kg of feed.
Кey words: zearalenon, mikotoxicity, chickens, serum of blood, biochemical indexes.
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