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The intraorganion myeloarchitectonic capsule of knee joint

Knowledge histotopography receptor system and reflexogenic zones of the capsule of the knee joint is critical in choosing the optimal incision accessing structures synovial environment for surgery and recovery software features and the ability of the receptor. As if spending cuts for various surgeries without topography of neural structures that, as a result, the animals may be a violation of locomotor function, proprioreseption and kinestezy. This is worth a closer look at the feasibility of using lean tactics access structures synovial environment of the knee joint.

The purpose of this study is histotopography intraorganion myeloarchitectonic capsule. The aim of research is to determine the receptors of the reflexogenic zones and the capsule of the knee joint relative to its anatomical parts. The structural organization, topography of myeloarchitectonic nerve endings and nerves capsules studied nervromorphology methods – silver nitrate impregnation methods for Bilshovsky-Grosso in modification Lavrentiev and Campos. To study histological preparations used microscopes Jenaval (Carl Zeiss), Axiostar plus (Carl Zeiss).

Neyrohistology studies have shown that the capsule of the knee joint of domestic dogs, a significant number of main nerve trunks, which are surrounded by perineural sheath and have a well-defined intratrunk myeloarchitectonics submitted nonmyelin and myelin nerve fibers. Free nerve endings form a tight neurovascular contacts and nerve-tissue connections. Also found a significant number of nerve trunks with perineural sheath with many cores similar epithelial perineural cells of different shapes. Such morphological feature characteristic of the capsule of the knee joint falanx suitable. Sometimes capillary branching so closely in contact with perineural vagina, as if immersed in the perineural space. This feature described in his writings G.P. Gluschenko and concluded that perineural sheath connected not only with lymph, but also from the blood capillaries which penetrate the perineural space and obviously play a role in replenishing perineural fluid through blood plasma. When crossing the vessel is changing the nerve trunk, which is reflected in the expansion of this area so they become visible individual axial cylinders. Available receptor endings localized in all layers of the capsule of the knee joint. They are vascular, tissue and nerve terminals polyvalent mostly simple morphological structure. Also characteristic is the fact that some of them apply only to small limited areas, and some extend to quite large distances. The term "free" is somewhat arbitrary, since branching axial cylinder, usually surrounded by a subsidiary neuroglial Schwann-cells. Some authors believe that such an organization is required to register the direction of the mechanical displacement. We noticed that, in most cases, areas with intense vascularization capsule full of nervous elements than areas with poor blood supply. In the capsule of the knee joint domestic dog vast amount of free receptor on encapsulated endings, which coincides with the research Polachek P. 

Conclusions. 1. In the capsule of the knee joint of domestic dogs most developed receptive fields are localized in the lateral and medial parts of the capsule.

2. Histotopography reflexogenic zones associated with the lateral part of the capsule by the encapsulated receptors.

Key words: receptive fields, reflexogenic zones, myeloarchitectonic, nerve endings, capsule of joint, knee joint, domestic dog.

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