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Level of thrombinemia electrocoagulate ecsterpatsive breast tumors and depending on pharmacological correction homeostasis
The study of the mutual influence of the haemostatic system and cancer is an urgent problem nowadays. Especially the issue concerns tumors of the breast that the registration in second place, trailing only slightly neoplasia of the skin. And this applies to both humane and veterinary medicine. But, in the first case, such studies are conducted, and the results are reflected in the developed recommendations for the correction of the haemostatic system in oncologic patient, the second the available information indicates that some attempts to study the changes in hemostasis status in animals that are confined to a statement of facts without detailed analysis and explanation of possible pathogenetic mechanisms. Moreover, the information provided in the public press, especially given by veterinary scientists from foreign countries, a small number -neighboring countries; domestic developments on the issue largely absent. It should also be noted that in most cases a small number of patients, so there is no possibility of forming experimental group; studied individual values without a comprehensive assessment of their role in the pathogenesis neoplasia process.
On the other hand the relevance of this problem is due to the following factors. First, it is necessary to point out the positive dynamics of registrations of breast tumors in dogs (currently very close to50% of tumors), and in view of promoting their causes, we can predict further deterioration. It is proved that the conduct of a surgical procedure does not ensure the expected results, but also adjuvant therapy did not significantly improve the effectiveness of treatment in combination with high risk of complications and even death of animals. Therefore, it is logically to search for alternative options general and local effects on the body and tumors that are characterized by efficiency, safety, simplicity and moderate cost.
For these reasons, we have the first phase of a study violations of the hemostatic system in the preoperative period and established their relationship with age, clinical features, dimensions. It is proved that the development of tumor accompanied hypercoagulation processes against the background of inhibition of fibrinolytic activity. In the future, the advantages of electrosurgical techniques extirpation of mammary gland neoplasiain comparison with the conventional technique, based on the degree of hemostatic system.
The third phase examined the effectiveness of pharmacological correction of hemostasis status of breast tumors in dogs against the backdrop of useelectrocoagulatorEC-150. The control group consisted of animals in which surgery was performed only in research dogs who were administered correcting scheme, which included ronkoleykin, tranexam combined with selizynom or low molecular weight heparin.
The presented paper deals with neoplasia in patients with bristle of soluble fibrin, which is a marker of the activity of coagulation processes in blood. These data indicate a high concentration at the time of it’s initial admission, regardless of the degree of malignancy, and after removal of tumors pronounced tendency to decrease in the content of soluble fibrin in all groups of animals. Statistically significant differences between the control and experimental groups (p<0.05). In particular, benign tumors on the3d day in the first case the average values were5,39 ± 0,54mg / 100ml, the second- 2,35 ± 0,24and2,81 ± 0,43mg /100 ml; 14days- according 2,02 ± 0,3and0,32 ± 0,21and0,34 ± 0,25mg / 100ml. Patients with malignant course of tumor recorded similar changes: in 3d day after a surgery in the control medium level of soluble fibrin was 7,18 ± 0,47mg / 100ml, in animal experiments- 4,85 ± 0,69and 323± 0,16mg / 100ml (p <0.05); the 14th day (at the end of observation)- according 19,98 ± 1,40 and 0,8 ± 0,32 and 0,94 ± 0,47mg / 100ml (p <0.05).
Summarizing the results it should be noted the high performance circuits post operative remedial therapy, including ronkoleykin and Tranexamin combination with NSAID or low molecular weight heparin. Its effects on hemostasis status is characterized by normalization of soluble fibrin, indicating that the removal hypercoagulation state and, accordingly, worsening conditions for the implantation and development of cancer cells in the body.
Schemes of pharmacological correction of DIC in dogs with malignant breast lesions appropriate to recommend for practical implementation in veterinary oncology.
The perspective is the need for further work in this area in order to improve existing and develop new options for optimizing hemostasis conservative status.
Key words: dogs, neoplasia, mammary gland, hemostasis system, soluble fibrin, pharmacological correction.
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