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Metabolism of individual prooxidant-antioxidant balance components in different functional state of the liver

This paper presents the results of research performance non-enzymes (zinc, copper, manganese, cobalt, selenium, tocopherol) units of AOP in heifers and cows firstborn (clinically healthy and sick hepatodystrophy), correlations between individual citizens and functional status indicators liver. It was established that during heavy flow hepatodystrophy cows firstborn 30–40 day of lactation copper content increases, compared to before calving and clinically healthy, but its correlation with total antioxidant activity (ТAOA) was reversed.

Zinc levels in clinically healthy heifers two weeks before calving averaged – 128,0±2,20 mkg/100. In patients with hepatosis and cows with severe course of zinc levels were lower by 4,1 and 6,3 %, respectively (p<0,1 and p<0,05).

2–3 days before calving zinc content tended to decrease, but the changes compared with the previous study, minor and not likely. After calving observed the opposite trend. In clinically healthy first-calves content of zinc 5–7 and 10–12 days of lactation has not changed, and the 30–40th observed trend towards its growth from baseline, and significantly (p<0,001) increase compared with the level at 10−12 days of lactation (7,1 %). Over the course of the hidden hepatodystrophy (second group) zinc levels gradually decreased, the difference from the original was likely already at 10–12 days of lactation (p<0,001). Further changes in the trace element were not observed.

A somewhat different trend established in the first-calves third group. They change more dynamic and 5–7 day zinc content was significantly (p<0,01) lower compared with clinically healthy (6,4 %), 10–12 – the difference was 10,8 % (p<0,001) and selenium level was lower not only compared to the original (120,5 ±2,25; p<0,01), but with the figure for the previous study ( p<0,05) by 5,2%.

On the 30–40 day of lactation zinc content continued to decline to 91,8±3,69 mmol/l , the difference with those in clinically healthy firstborn and first-calvers of the same group at baseline was, respectively, 30,8 (p<0,001) and 23.8 % (p<0,001).

The level of copper in the serum of healthy animals during the experiment remained stable, and in animals with severe levels of pathology even in the prenatal period was significantly different: its content was 7,2 % lower than in healthy heifers. The development of liver disease in postnatal period slightly reduced level of copper in all animals. However, in 30–40 day of study, when changes in the hepatobiliary system were maximum level of copper in sick animals significantly increased in second and third groups of first-calvers: the difference compared to the original was 20,7 (p<0,001) and 10,4% (p<0,05), and from clinically healthy in the second – 19,1 % (p<0,001). In first-calvers with severe copper content did not differ significantly from that of healthy animals (p <0,1).

Increasing the concentration of copper in sick animals is explained by its sharing feature. Excretion of copper is in the feces, and liver dysfunction reduces the excretion of bile, which is released and much of its quantity.

The content of manganese in the blood serum of healthy heifers and first-calvers throughout the study period remained stable. Two weeks before calving , he averaged 12,8±0,26 mkg/100 ml (11,4-13,6), 5–7 days of lactation – 12,1±0,10; 10–12th – 11,3±0,20, 30–40 days – 12,7±0,12 mkg/100 ml. Only 10–12 days observed significantly (p<0,001) reduction in selenium, but in the period of peak performance, it rises to the original.

The content of manganese is closely correlated with the total antioxidant activity of blood plasma: correlation coefficient is positive both before (r = 0,65), and after calving: 5–7 days – r = 0,81, 30–40 − day r = 0, 90. In contrast, the correlation with the DC in the latest study reverse highly (r = -0,81).

Other changes manganese in cows suffering from hepatodystrophy. In the second group of heifers manganese levels significantly (p<0,05) decreased before calving from 12,5±0,17 to 11,9±0,17 ng/ml, and after calving trend progresses and are 5–7 day manganese less than 12 % compared to the original, and the 10–12th – 30,4 % (p<0,001). Only 30–40 day lactation level of manganese is reduced to 13,9±0,19 ng/ml. The content of cobalt in the serum of healthy heifers and first-calvers throughout the study period remained stable and even tended to increase at the beginning of 2 weeks before calving, it averaged 0,57±0,036 ng/ml (0,48–0,68), 5–7 days of lactation – 0,54±0,032, 30–40 – 0,61±0,037 ng/ml.

The content of cobalt is closely correlated with the total antioxidant activity of blood plasma: a positive correlation coefficient as before (r = 0,62), and after calving: 5–7 days – r = 0,67, 30–40 – r = 0,73. In contrast, the correlation of DC and malondialdehyde (MDA) for the latest research reverse (r = -0,54 and r = -0,64), respectively.

Similar changes in the metabolism of cobalt in cows suffering from hepatodystrophy. In the second group of heifers cobalt levels tended to decrease before and after calving. At 30–40 days of lactation increased its level, but on average it is 9,8 % lower compared with the group of healthy.

In animals with severe hepatodystrophy that later were forced to put to death, cobalt levels tended to decrease immediately for 5–7 days, and significant difference was 10–12 (p<0,05) and 30–40 days (p<0,001). Lactation compared with clinically healthy. During the section of cobalt in the serum of patients firstborn was 34,4 % less (0,36−0,44 ng/ml; 0,40±0,014).

Thus, the deepening of liver disease in primiparous leads to reduction of cobalt in serum, apparently due to the violation of assimilation primarily cyanocobalamin, because liver disease decreased appetite, and its synthesis takes place in the rumen.

In heifers, patients hepatodystrophy, selenium content did not change, but for 10–12 days after calving it decreased (p<0,001) compared before calving. In patients with severe hepatodystrophy changes likely not only to 10–12, but especially pronounced at 30–40 days of lactation (8,1±0,11 and 7,5±0,09 mkg/100 ml, respectively). For comparison, in clinically healthy these days selenium level was 9,2±0,12 and 9,6±0,07 mkg/100 ml.

Key words: selenium, tocopherol, zinc, copper, manganese, cobalt.

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