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Microorganisms of nitrogen cycle processes and concentration of nitrites in bio filter reactor water in closed water supply plants under the various fillers use
The need for economical use of water in trout industrial farms has led to the development of methods for efficient water use, including the introduction of recyclable water supply systems or closed water supply systems with water bio filtration (RAS). For the last decade, trout plants are focused on circulating installations, as long as this method achieves rational use of water and the ability to regulate and control the environment.
The results of four types bio filter filler research used in industrial trout farms are presented. In the case of biological purification, processes of biological oxidation and oxidative-reducing reactions that pass through prevailing microorganisms. They play a key role in water treatment, thus reflecting the biomass growth, the activity of fish, and the consumption of oxygen by the system.
The features of the bio filters use in closed water supply systems in aquaculture are shown in our previous reports and indicate that bio filter fillers play one of the key roles in maintaining the optimal conditions for the operation of the ultrasound. Along with these studies, how many microorganisms involved in the nitrogen cycle and the concentration of nitrites in the water of the bio filter reactor CWSS are changing for the use of various fillers, we did not find in the literature available to us, and some messages do not cover the problem and are isolated. The water of closed water supply systems (CWSS) is a favorable environment not only for the fish growing, but also for the habitat of bacteria. The composition of bacteria plankton includes microscopic single-celled organisms of various physiological groups: nitrogen fixations, ammonia fixations, nitrification agents, denitrifying agent, iron and sulfur bacteria, sulfate-reducing and other bacteria. In water, they are in an overheating state alone or in aggregates – aggregates. Much of the bacteria inhabit the bio filter of the CWSS, which participates in the decomposition of organic matter, which is formed as a result of the life of fish, to phosphates, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, etc., which have a different effect on the health of fish.
Due to the influence on the health of fish, phosphates are referred to as inert substances that do not have toxic effects. However, a significant risk in water is nitrogen in the form of free ammonia (NH3), which is toxic to fish and must be converted into harmless nitrate in a bio filter. At the same time, nitrification bacteria carry out the conversion of ammonia to nitrite, and then into nitrate, which is not harmful to fish. The purpose of the work was to determine the number of microorganisms involved in the nitrogen cycle and the concentration of nitrites in the water of the bio filter reactor with different types of filler for introducing it into the technological process and the duration of the experiment for 30 days. In the experiment, four types of bio filter fillers were used: 1 – static expanded clay; 2 – RK PLAST – made of propylene, useful (working surface) 635m2/m3, diameter 15/15, weight 175 kg /m3;
3 – AQ-25 – high density polypropylene HDPE 312 m2 / m3, useful (working surface) 226 m2 / m3, diameter 25/25, weight 71 kg / m3;
4 KALDNER K1P – Polypropylene of high density is useful (working surface) 450 m2 / m3, diameter 16/10. The material for the study was water WSS, which was taken directly from the bio filter. Nitrifying microorganisms were isolated according to the method described by Spieck E.C., Hartwig I. et al. Nitrites in water were determined using the GBL test. The incorporation of the bio filter into the nitrification production process occurred for use as a clay expander for 26-30 days, where the number of nitrifying microorganisms was 4.1 ± 0.2 × 107 CFU / cm3 of water and polypropylene fillers for 21-25 days where the nitrifying microorganisms number was due to the use of RK PLAST filler 5.9 ± 0.2 × 107, AQ-25 – 4.1 ± 0.2 × 107 and KALDNER K1P – 2.7 ± 0.1 × 107 CFU / cm3 of water.
Key words: RAS, rainbow trout, nitrogen cycle, bacteria plankton, bio filter fillers, bio filtration, nitrifying bacteria.
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