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Morphological, radiological and biochemical characteristics of reparative osteogenesis at bone defects replacement in animals by Biomin-GT
Among all surgical diseases of dogs fractures of long bones make up 6–15 %. A fraction of comminuted fractures reaches 25–60 %. Occured fractures has defects that can lead to various complications of bone repair. This requires the use of multiplex methods of osteosynthesis and defect replacement by osteotropic materials.
The purpose of research – а complex morphological, biochemical and radiological evaluation of reparative osteogenesis using osteotropic material Biomin-GT.
The solution of problem of a bone malregeneration researchers pay attention to the improvement of osteosynthesis techniques use of vitamins and microelements, laser and metal nanoparticles. It has been studied single report accelerate ingot the bone repair using osteotropic materials.The number of such materials in recent years has increased significantly. However, they do not have sufficient clinical and experimental study. Last studies have showed an importance of bone metabolism markers as alkaline phosphatase and its bone isoenzyme, osteocalcin, C-terminal telopeptide of collagen type I, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase.
The experimental estimation of osteoplastic material Biomin-GT was performed on 20 rabbits of 7 months age. A bone defects were performed with drill that has diameter 3 mm. Defect in the rabbits of experimental group (n=10) was replaced by granules of Biomin GT-500 (hydroxyapatite and β-tricalcium phosphate≤50 %) A bone defects of control rabbit (n=10) noting replased. To histological examination conducted a bone biopsia in five rabbit of each group on the 21st and 35th day.
The сlinical and experimental canine studies performed in case of fractures that had a defect using plates. In dogs of the first experimental group (n=7) (fractures of femur) and second experimental group (forearm fractures (n=7) bone defect was filled with granules of Biomin-GT. A first control group (femur fractures, n=7) and second control (forearm fractures, n=5) defect is not filled. Surgery of all animals performed under general and local anesthesia.
Histomorphological studies found that bone defect in rabbit with Biomin GT-500 filled with fibrous tissue on 21st days after surgery. And it was completed by replaced with bone on 35th day. That is the area of the defect formed bone-ceramic composite able to fully perform functional load. By contrast, in the control group, the bone defect to the 35th day completely filled less mature fibrous bone tissue.
Healing fractures of the forearm or femur bone defect replaced by Biomin-GT, characterized by moderate periosteal reaction and shorten fructure consolidation in 1.3 times (r˂0,001). The replaced defect observed less bleeding and lower inflammatory response. As a result, the destructive processes observed was more or less and moderate activity of osteoblasts.
There fore, Biomin-GT optimized of reparative osteogenesis and locates it within the bone defect. At this time Biomin acts as a frame for reparative osteogenesis, which contributes to the accelerated course of its stages.
Key words: reparative osteogenesis, bone markers, dogs, rabbits, Biomin.
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