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Obstetrical pathology of sows under the modern conditions of hog breeding

The research presents informative and analytical data as for the results and reasons of rejection of spawning school on pig farms with the implemented modern techniques of breeding, dynamics of rates and reasons of pathology during pregnancy, delivering and postnatal period in sows after first farrowing and sows of the main herd.

The main reasons for rejection for sows were age, hipo- and agalactia, surgical pathology, repeated and unsuccessful inseminations, clinical abortion, postnatal obstetrical pathology (inflammatory processes), delivering pathology, mastitis (in different forms), birth canals injuries, septicemia, MMA syndorm, frigidity or nymphomania, low fertility and cannibalism.

During two years on the pig farms of LLC “AX”, 105 first farrowing sows were rejected (54 in 2012 and 51 in 2013), the main reasons for it were low fertility (42.59 % and 21.56 %), delivering pathology (22.22 % and 19.6 %), postnatal inflammatory processes (3.7 % and 5.88 %), nymphomania (7.4 % and 9.8 %). Thje reasons for rejection of sows from the main herd (during 2 years 167 sows were rejected – 60 in 2012 and 107 in 2013) were age (13. 3% and 11.21 %) hypo- and agalactia (11.6 % and 5.6 %), repeated and unsuccessful inseminations (1.66 % and 10.28 %), postnatal inflammatory processes (1.66 % and 3.7 3 %), frigidity (11.66 % and 4.67 %), nymphomania (10.0 % and 7.47 %), MMA syndrome (1.66% and 15.88 %), and low fertility (1.66 % and 11.21 %).

During two years on the pig farms of LLC “Temp”, 88 first farrowing sows were rejected (33 in 2012 and 88 in 2013), the main reasons for it were hipo- and agalactia (9.09 % and 7.27 %), surgical pathology (6.06 % and 5.45 %), delivering pathology (30.3 % and 9.09 %), postnatal inflammatory processes (3.0 % and 5.45 %), nymphomania (15.15 % and 23.63 %), MMA syndrome (15.15 % and 5.45 %), low fertility (0 % and 18.18 %), cannibalism (0 and 7.27 %) The reasons for rejection of sows from the main herd (during 2 years 153 sows were rejected – 62 in 2012 and 91 in 2013) were age (1.61 % and 9.89 %) hypo- and agalactia (8.06 % and 6.59 %), surgical pathology (4.83 % and 2.19), repeated and unsuccessful inseminations (3.22 % and 3.29 %), postnatal inflammatory processes (9.67 % and 8.79 %), frigidity (3.22 % and 3.29 %), nymphomania (6.45 % and 10.9 8%), MMA syndrome (20.96 % and 14.28 %), and low fertility (0 % and 5.49 %).

The main reasons during pregnancy pathology of sows of first farrowing on the pig farms of LLC “AX” and “Temp” were surgical pathology and clinical abortions. As for the main pathology of the sows from the main herd LLC “AX” has subclinical abortions – 12.5 %, clinical abortions – 18.75 %, vagina reversing – 6.25 %, uterine prolapsed and hernia of uteris -6.25 % and surgical pathology – 18.75 % in 2012, and in 2013 subclinical abortions – 6.25 %, clinical abortions – 12.5 %, pre delivery long laying – 6.25 %, vagina reversing – 6.25 % and surgical pathology – 25 %.

On the pig farms of LLC “Temp” it’s in 2012 subclinical abortions – 9.7 %, clinical abortions – 22.5 %, vagina reversing – 19.4 %, uterine prolapsed and hernia of uteris – 3.2 % and surgical pathology – 9.7 %, and in 2013 subclinical abortions -7.1 %, clinical abortions 17.9 %, pre delivery long laying -7.1 %, vagina reversing – 14.3 % and surgical pathology – 21.4 %.

Having analyzed the rates of pathology delivering in sow it has been determined that LLC “AX” had 1996 farrowings (601 fist time farrowings and 1395 farrowings of sows from the main herd). In 2012, 80.3 % first time farrowing sows had physiological delivering and 19,7 % had pathological delivering. In 2013 thereafter 82,9 % and 17,1 %. Sows from of the main herd in 2012 had 79,3 % of physiological delivering and 11,7 % pathological. In 2013 these rates were 82,9 % and 17,1 % thereafter.

LLC “Temp” the rates of sows of first farrowing were 72.7 % and 27.3 % in 2012 and 75.3 % and 24,7 % in 2013. The sows of the main herd – 70,0 % and 30,0 % in 2012 and 77,7 % and 22,3 % in 2013.

The main reasons for pathologic delivering of sows in both enterprises, during the analyzed periods, were pathology of delivering, pathology of birth canals, pathology of parodynia and placenta delay.

The dynamics of rates of postnatal pathology of sows is presented in table 1. During two years in LLC “AX” physiologic postnatal period had 91,3 % in 2012 and 92,4 % in 2013, pathologic postnatal period had 8.7 % in 2012 and 7.6 % sows of first farrowing. Sows of the main herd showed the rate of physiological postnatal period varied from 92.4 % in 2012 to 77.2 % in 2013, and rate of pathologic postnatal period varied from 7.6 % in 2012 to 9.0 % in 2013.

During two years in LLC “Temp” physiologic postnatal period had 91,0 % in 2012 and 89.7 % in 2013, pathologic postnatal period had 9.0 % in 2012 and 10.3% sows of first farrowing. Sows of the main herd showed the rate of physiological postnatal period varied from 87.9 % in 2012 to 87.1% in 2013, and rate of pathologic postnatal period varied from 10.1% in 2012 to 12.9% in 2013.

The main reasons for pathologic postnatal period for first farrowing sows and for the sows of the main herd were (for both enterprises) injuries of birth canals, vulvo-vestibulitis, vaginitis, endometritis, sepsis, subinvolution of uterus, postnatal paresis, postnatal long laying.

Key words: pregnancy, births, postnatal period, farrowing, vulvo-vestibulitis, endometritis, subinvolution.

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