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Parasitesand parasite diseases as a result of tumor development
Modern medicine, science, technological process in the modern world is developing quite intensively. All new innovative approaches to the diagnosis of diseases are being developed, and new approaches to treatment in a number of diseases and its control. However, despite the intensive development of medicine and science, some diseases, unfortunately, are also actively developing, new forms of diseases appear, resistance to traditional methods of treatment develops, resistance to a number of drugs, etc.,
One of the most common pathologies to date are oncological diseases. It should be noted that if earlier oncological diseases were considered diseases of the elderly and old people, today these diseases are registered in all age groups of the population
The reasons for the development of the tumor are quite diverse. This is genetics, and environmental factors, and viral nature, and the theory of carcinogens and a number of other factors. It should be noted that recently the most often a number of theories are combined into one, and a number of causes that cause cancer are a consequence of each other. In modern literature, the most frequently reported are that oncological diseases develop against the backdrop of infection with infectious and parasitic diseases. Thus, 6 types of tumors caused by an infectious cause were mentioned earlier in the WHO report table. Over the past decades, this list has expanded significantly. In the monograph of academicians V.P.Sergiev and N.N. Filatova, "Infectious Diseases at the Turn of the Centuries: Awareness of the Biological Threat", back in 2006, a table was cited entitled "Chronic pathology of infectious nature", which already mentioned a considerable (about 20) types of cancer for which infectious agents are known and Pathogens related to parasitic agents. In the presentation from the Sergiyev table, examples of a number of tumors and their causes are given: anemia (which may be a consequence of leukemia) caused by helminths Ancylostomatidae and Diphyllobothriidae; Hepatocellular carcinoma (hepatitis B and C viruses); Cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, bladder cancer (human papillomavirus type 16, 18, 31 and 45); Carcinoma of the bladder (Schistosoma haemotobium); Colon carcinoma (Schistosoma japonisum, Schistosoma mansoni); Burkitt's lymphoma (Epstein-Barr virus); Tumor-like pathology of the spinal cord (helminths – trichinella and heterophylla); T-cell lymphoma (human lymphotropic viruses – HTLV-1 and HTLV-2); Cholangiocarcinoma (helminths-Opistorchis viverrini, Opistorchis felineus), etc. To date, significant changes have taken place in the development of oncology as a science, however, despite its rapid development, the issues of the etiology of a number of oncological diseases remain unclear until now, diagnosis and therapy are often difficult. Against this background, parasitic diseases are not excluded from the list of etiological factors of a number of oncological diseases.
Parasitic diseases, and in particular helminthiases, are widespread both among animals and among the population. Their negative impact on the organism of both a specific and non-specific host has been studied for a long time by a large number of scientists and researchers, but to this day more and more new data are available on the pathogenic effects of certain parasitic organisms on the human and animal organism. There are more than 270 species of helminths belonging to three classes: Nematoda (roundworms), Cestoda (tapeworms), Trematoda (flukes). For each of the listed classes of parasitic worms, strictly defined morphological and biological properties, life cycles of their development are characteristic. The diseases they cause are different in the nature of pathogenesis, clinics, epidemiology and prevention features. Preserve them and other differences, including in the methods of diagnosis and methods of treatment.
In Belarus, the etiological structure of helminthiases is represented by almost 20 nosological forms of diseases. In terms of prevalence among people, helminthiases are second only to influenza and acute respiratory diseases. It should also be taken into account that all helminthic diseases most often occur chronically, in duration many times exceed the duration of the disease by other infectious diseases. Among helminths, ascariasis, trichocephalus and enterobiosis were most widespread. Every year, outbreaks of trichinosis are detected, as well as individuals affected by toxocarosis, opisthorchiasis, diphyllobothriasis, echinococcosis and other helminthiases.
Key words: рarasites, parasitic diseases, oncogenicity, malignant formations, helminths, protozoa, viruses.
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