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Pharmacological correction of reparative osteogenesis in dogs

Today in veterinary orthopedics and traumatology is a small amount of drugs, which are used for the optimization of reparative osteogenesis. In most cases, this vitamin and mineral preparations and only recently some studies proved the feasibility of bone fractures after osteosynthesis metabolitotropnyh, antioxidant and immunomodulating drugs.

At the same time we know that most inflammatory response is excessive in nature and are an integral part of the pathogenesis of bone trauma and reparative regeneration, but its mediator mechanisms and peculiarities of acute phase proteins, metabolism of connective tissue are not well known. Therefore there is a need to optimize the flow of inflammation to accelerate regeneration and prevention of postoperative complications. Recently this purpose used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, data on their use to optimize reparative osteogenesis few and they are debatable.

The results of the studies found that fractures of long bones in dogs is accompanied by increased content ilkiv acute phase (haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin , fibrinogen). Peak concentrations spoposterihalys on the 3rd day of reparative osteogenesis , and the last level in control animals was significantly higher compared to the research . Later in dogs in the control group contents in serum haptoglobin and ceruloplasmin remained elevated during all stages of reparative osteogenesis and constituted on the 60th day 1,77±0,02 g/l and 109,9±6,5 mg/l, respectively. In addition, the use of atselizyn rather eliminates excessive expression of inflammatory response, accompanied by lower levels of acute phase proteins. With the combined use tuhina and atselizyn ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin levels normalized in 30 th day at a reasonable level hiperfibrynohenemiyi.

By reparative osteogenesis of fractures of long bones in dogs changing metabolism of connective tissue are of a biphasic nature. It first wave coincides with the phase of the inflammatory bone resorption injured, the second – with its remodeling after fracture consolidation (60th day). With the first of osteosynthesis of the femur reaches a peak at the 10th day, and by conservative treatment on the 3rd. The method of osteosynthesis atselizyn at the 10th day reduces markers of connective tissue, and in combination with tuhina GAG levels normalized.

Thus, the use of NSAIDs Atselizyn after osteosynthesis of long bones in dogs limits the intensity and duration of the acute phase response, which contributes to reducing the catabolic processes of reparative bone formation and shorten the consolidation of fractures in 1.4 times. The additional use before osteosynthesis drug tranexamic acid Tuhina not only reduces the amount of intraoperative blood loss, but also with atselizyn contributes to a more complete bone regenerate.

Key words: fixation, tranexamic acid, atselizyn, acute phase proteins, markers of connective tissue, dogs.

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