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Predicting the course of the postpartum period in cows
The postpartum period plays a crucial role in restoring reproductive function and, consequently, the milk productivity of cows. Its importance lies in the fact that it marks the transition from pregnancy and birth to lactation and preparation for new fruiting. The course of puerperium depends on the condition of the mother's body, the course of pregnancy and childbirth, feeding conditions, maintenance, care and operation. In this regard, the aim of the work was to develop a program for predicting the course of the postpartum period in cows. The development of the program for predicting the course of the postpartum period in cows was carried out with the participation and advice of employees of the Department of Veterinary Reproductology of Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy on the basis of "Peremoha AVK" MVC "Ekaterinoslavsky" Dnipro district of Dnipropetrovsk region. The study is conducted in the late dry period (last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy). Obtained by the results of clinical, laboratory (morphological and biochemical) and special (sonographic) studies, the evaluation parameters were part of the algorithm developed on the principle of database management system in MS Exel program – indicators for assessing the clinical condition of the animal, homeostasis, completeness of feeding and activity movement of the cow, the condition of her breast and fetoplacental complex (fetal weight, placental size, diameter of the middle uterine artery) and colpocytograms. Each indicator corresponds to two variants of objective values with their own scale. The conclusion is determined by the sum of points for all items of the program. To do this, you only need to enter certain information into the program that determines one or another option: the sum of scores 51- 100 indicates a low probability of pathological processes, less than 50 – high. The use of the program itself makes it possible to obtain objective information and timely take appropriate measures to prevent the occurrence and development of pathological processes, maintaining the health and life of women in labor.
Key words: cattle, puerperium, reproductive function, forecasting programs.
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