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Productivity of ukrainian black-and-white dairy cows depending on the type of higher nervous activity
Typological features of higher nervous activity affect cows organism functioning. The paper aims to find out the connec-
tion between the type of higher nervous activity of cows and their milk production level.
The study was conducted in a production environment of "Heysyske" Ltd. Of Stavysche district, Kyiv region. Fat
content in milk was determined according to the National Standars of Ukraine ISO 1211-2002, content of skimmed milk of
the residue (CSMR) - with Ekomilk Total milk analyzer.
Types of higher nervous activity were determined with a modified methods of conditioned natural digestion reflexes by
Parshutin G.V. and Ipolitova T.V. (Ukraine patents № U200601571 and № U200602200).
Four groups of animals of different types of higher nervous activity (HNA) 5 animals each were formed for the
experiment: strong balanced active (SBA), strong balanced inactive (SBI), strong unbalanced (SU), weak (W).
The highest daily milk yield during the first three months of the research period was in cows with SBA type of HNA -
16,6-42,1% (p <0.05, p <0.001) higher than in other groups of cows. The high degree of connection between the number of
daily milk yield and the strength - r = 0.73 (p <0.001), balance - r = 0.75 (p <0.001) and the average degree correlation with
cortical processes mobility - r = 0.57 (p <0.05).
We have investigated the contents CSMR and fat in the milk of cows of different typological groups. CSMR highest
content was found in cows strong HNA types, specifically in the SBA – 8.67 ± 0.10%, which is 0.4% higher than that in the
animals of inert and 0.47 % higher than in unbalanced types. In the weak HNA type cows the figure was by 0.64 % reliably,
lower than in SBA cows. CSMR content correlates positively with force - r = 0,73 (p <0.001), balance - r = 0.53 (P <0.05)
and nervous processes mobility - r = 0.60 (P <0.01).
Fat content of milk is the main criterion of its evaluation in purchasing in Ukraine. The highest fat content in milk we
observed in SBA type cows – 4.04 ± 0.15, which was significantly higher than that in other typological groups of animals.
The lowest fat content was observed in weak type cows – 3.05 ± 0.04% (p <0.001). In the SBI and SI types of animals it was,
correspondingly, 3.63 ± 0.08% (p <0.05), and 3.53 ± 0,07% (p <0.01), indicating a higher nutritional value of milk of strong
HNA types cows, especially that of SBA type. A positive correlation has been determined between milk fat performance and
power: r = 0.70 (p <0.001), balance - r = 0.71 (p <0.001) and nervous processes mobility - r = 0.70 (p <0.001).
Conclusions. 1. Cows with strong balanced active type of higher nervous activity have higher daily yield, a larger quan-
tity of skimmed residue and fat content in milk than the cows of other types of higher nervous activity, especially those of the
weak type.
2. The The difference between the indexes of milk production and fat content in milk from cows strong balanced active
type of nervous activity compared with other cows typological groups was statistically significant and largest relative to the
weak type.
3. There is a steady relationship between the strength, balance and activity of nervous processes and milk productivity
and quality, as evidenced by the positive correlation (r = 0.53-0.75) revealed between these indicators.
Key words: higher nervous activity, lactation performance, cow.
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