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Prophylactic of gastroenteritis in suckling piglets using phytobiotic EXTRACT™ 6930
The main task of specialists of veterinary medicine is to improve preservation and viability of piglets in the conditions of
industrial cultivation.
The purpose of this research was to determine the prophylactic effectiveness of phytobiotic EXTRACT™ 6930 for
gastroenteritis in suckling piglets.
The research were performed on PAP “Agroprodservice”. The object of the research were clinically healthy piglets (Landrace
breed) aged 10 days, selected on the basis of analogues, formed in the control (n=134) and experimental groups (n=137).
Experimental group of piglets from the age of 10 to 28 days received additionaly feed made phytobiotic EXTRACT™
6930 (Pancosma S.A., Switzerland) at dose of 150 g/t in accordance with the recommendations in the guideline to use.
The material for the study was animal blood of control and experimental groups, obtained from the vena cava cranialis
on the 10 th, 20th and 28 days of life. On the 10th day of life in piglets of the control and experimental groups clinical symptoms of gastroenteritis are not found.
As a result of observations during the research in part of piglets in the control (28.3 %) and experimental (18.9 %)
groups on the 18-20th days of life we have found clinical symptoms of gastroenteritis (diarrhea at normal body temperature
38-40 °C). Harder disease runs in the control group of animals.
It should be noted that during experiment from 134 pigs from control group 38 piglets (28.3 %) had gastroenteritis, of
whom 11 died (8.2 %). In the experimental group (n=137), the percentage of sick animals was 18.9 % (26 animals), 1.4 %
(2 animals) died.
It was established that the use of phytobiotic EXTRACT™ 6930 reduced on 9.4 % the morbidity of gastroenteritis in
piglets and 6.8 % increased their survival, comparing to control group of animals.
The development of the gastroenteritis in piglets due to a decrease in the mother's milk of maternal antibodies, because
of this developing a second phase of age immune deficiency.
The use of phytobiotic EXTRACT™ 6930 for suckling piglets had a positive influence on erythrocytopoiesis. In particu-
lar, on the 28th day of life the blood erythrocyte rate in piglets of experimental group significantly (p<0.05) increased per
7.1 %, while in control group significantly (p<0.05) decreased per 5.2 %, and the difference between the end of the experi-
ment was 9.1 % (p<0.01).
The concentration of hemoglobin in the blood of control group of piglets at the end of the experiment tended to decrease,
while in experimental piglets significantly (p<0,05) increased and was 6.3 % higher comparing to control group of animals.
During the experiment, hematocrit value in the control group of piglets tended to decrease, while in experimental group
is increased. On the 28th day of animal’s life hematocrit was significantly (p<0.01) higher on 9.5 % in the blood of experi-
mental piglets, comparing to control group of animals.
The use of phytobiotic EXTRACT™ 6930 had positive influence on erythrocytopoesis and hemoglobin synthesis in an-
imals, as indicated by the number of erythrocytes, concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrit in blood of suckling piglets
from experimental group.
The use of phytobiotic EXTRACT™ 6930 was significantly (p<0,05) increased total serum protein, while in control pig-
lets was decreased and on 28th
day was per 6.7 % (p<0,001) lower comparing to experimental group.
The increase of total protein due to albumins, since in piglets of experimental group on 28th day their level was signifi-
cantly higher per 12.5 (p<0.05) і 12.2 % (p<0.01), comparing to beginning of the experiment and to control group.
Since all albumins synthesized in hepatocytes, then use of phytobiotic EXTRACT™ 6930 has a positive effect on the
formation of protein synthesis in liver.
The activity of AST and ALT genetically determined and is closely related to the level of productivity of animals. There-
fore, high serum aminotransferase activity in piglets of control and experimental groups at the beginning of the experiment
due to enhanced metabolic processes related to protein synthesis for muscle tissue build.
In the experimental group of piglets the activity of ALT significantly (p<0.001) decreased on 28th day and was lower per
25.6 % comparing to 10th day and per 14.2 % (p<0.01) comparing to control group of animals.
The activity of AST also decreased in the experimental group of piglets on 28th day and was significantly lower by
41,1% (p<0,001) comparing to 10th day of life. In the control group this parameter on 28th day was also significantly (p<0.001) lower, but only per 25.7 % comparing to
beginning of the experiment.
The use of EXTRACT™ 6930 for piglets decreased serum aminotransferases activity comparing to beginning of the ex-
periment. This indicates a stabilization of cell structures of hepatocytes.
Prospects for further research will to determine the therapeutic effectiveness of phytobiotic EXTRACT™ 6930 for
gastroenteritis in weaned piglets.
Key words: suckling piglets, phytobiotic, gastroenteritis, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, total protein, albumins,
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