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Prospects use of succinic acid in veterinary surgery
In recent years, in medicine widely used drugs with the use of succinic acid. It possesses adaptogenic, antihypoxic, antioxidant and neurotropic action, normalizes energy metabolism, general physiological condition of the body, accelerates biosynthesis in terms of pathologies and extreme actions.
Taking into account that succinic acid is non-toxic substance, accumulation in the body does not, it can be used repeatedly and for a long time. An overdose of the substance of the currently known works, is not. The content of succinic acid in the tissues of the human body animals is 0,2-0,8 mmol/l, and its plasma concentration is much lower and does not exceed than 0,4 mmol/l. It is known that drugs based succinic acid have metabolic and immunostimulant influence. This formed the basis for the development of a series of medications for prevention and treatment of metabolic abnormalities, acquired immunodeficiencies, infectious diseases of animals.
Among the numerous experiments were proven efficiency of succinic acid and preductal, which has a positive effect on renal function due to reconstruction energy phosphates, with antibiotics such as gentamicin, which use for correction toxic nephropathy. Experiments on white rats have shown the possibility of reasonable use for maintenance of renal function succinic acid and preductal, that significantly improve osmo-regulating renal function and, in particular, the position reabsorption in proximal tubules.
Known use of succinic acid to broiler chickens during mycotoxicosis. Experimental animals in feed was added succinic acid at a dose of 0,1 g/kg body weight once a day for 10 days. The result of the experiment, the animals of the experimental group had higher growth rates of body weight, and increased survival of livestock. Thus, succinic acid reduces the toxic effects of mycotoxins on animals.
According to professor M.S. Naydenskoho, when feeding dry cows succinic acid in a period of intense growth retardation, increased expectations on average 10-15% of the live weight of calves at birth by 12-17%, reduced morbidity. Positive results were obtained in the pig.
Succinic acid – one of the first substances which were found anti-radiation activity. Its radio-protective effect on intestinal bacillus was discovered in 1952, and in 1955 was shown radio-protective effect of prophylactic administration to mice. High antihypoxic and antioxidant activity of succinic acid has been applied in detoxification Reamberin 1,5% solution for infusion, which is a composition of isotonic salt of succinic acid (succinate sodium magnesium chloride, potassium and sodium).
According to E.V. Aleksandrova found that metalsuntsinat in combination with antiseptic - stimulant Dorogova (ASD-2F) enhances metabolic processes in broiler chickens that appear on the activity of adenosine-3-phosphate membrane structures erytrocyte indices protein and mineral metabolism, non-specific resistance, as well as the preservation and performance of broiler chickens. Scientific novelty of these studies confirmed a patent of Russian Feduration №2404761. The data can be used as biochemical tests in the study of intercellular exchange, which allows to assess the state of metabolic processes in the poultry when administered in the diet supplements biostimulation based succinic acid.
O.V. Basankin studied the use of succinic acid in pig and poultry, namely the use of solutions of succinic acid for the treatment of hatching eggs in order to stimulate embryonic and post-embryonic development chickens; the use of succinic acid under stress in chickens.
Often succinic acid is used in beekeeping. For example, K.O.Piriazev studied the effect of succinic acid as a biological supplements at a dose of 0.1% on the life processes of bees carpathion breed. For the first time studied the effect of succinia acid on egg queen bees, productivity and biological characteristics of inviduals.
K. H. Seilov in pig feeding studies were conducted succinic acid with basic diet sows and piolets at a dose of 0.15% of dry water, this made it possible to get the hight number of live pigs in the group -12,3 head, a member of survival at 91,9% gain and average daily gain -194 h, compared with animals that received feed without supplementation of organic acids.
Succinic acid has unique properties: it accumulates in those areas that need it, bypassing healthy tissue. It is a feel cell that provides the processes of energy in the mitochondria.
Conclusions. Succinic acid and its salts (succinate) is a broad - spectrum drugs: have a theraping effect oven in small doses; have long after the physiological action, not harmful in overdose in connection with the absence ksenobiotic effects that are inherent in synthetic drugs; can be used with feed water and in aerosol form).Therefore there is a need for further study of succinic acid in veterinary medicine.
In the future it is necessary to conduct a study on the use of succinic acid in inflammatory processes in animals with surgical pathology.
Key words: succinic acid, succinate, succinic biostimulant.
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