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The ratio of erythrocyte populations in the blood of puppies during postnatal oxidative stress
The article presents new scientifi c data on the ratio of erythrocyte populations in puppies' blood during postnatal oxidative stress. It was established that the number of erythrocytes in the blood of one-day-old puppies was 5.64 ± 0.12 T / l, and half of these cells belonged to the population of "mature", 40% - "young" and 10% - "old". In day-old puppies, the content of lipid peroxidation products in erythrocyte hemolysates is quite high, which indicates the development of postnatal oxidative stress. Thus, the content of diene conjugates, ketodienes and Schiff bases is respectively 1,406 ± 0,023 соnv. units, 0.676 ± 0.004 соnv. units and 0.135 ± 0.003 соnv. units. From one to fi ve days age of puppies the number
of erythrocytes in the blooddecrease by 1.5 times (p<0.001), mainly due to the decrease in the number of "mature" cells (by 1.6 times; p<0.001). The intensity of peroxide oxidation in the body of puppies even a month after birth is relatively high, as indicated by the content of Schiff bases in the erythrocytes of the blood of these animals - 0.185 ± 0.002 соnv.units. The inverse correlations of the content of Schiff bases in erythrocyte hemolysate with their number in the bloodstream were found to be r = -0.83 (p<0.001). It should also be noted the direct correlation of the content of diene conjugates in the blood of puppies with the number of erythrocytes in their blood (r = 0,58 p <0,05), but the content of ketodienes and conjugated trienes is inversely related to the content of "young" erythroid cells in the puppies' blood (r = -0.57 p <0.05). Consequently, post-natal adaptation of puppies results in the replacement of fetal erythrocytes by postnatal cells, and this process is associated with the intensifi cation of peroxide oxidation and accumulation of the end products of peroxidationin the cells. This process isaccompanied by an acceleration of the process of "aging" of young forms of erythrocytes, as a result of which prerequisites for the development of anemiaare created.
Key words: erythrocytes, oxidative stress, puppies, Schiff bases, ketodienes, diene conjugates.
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